The beginning of the meeting cap.1

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Hello, I am Miruna ,    and i want to make a story ,   is not true ,,, ok .. is imagination    It was a winter day,    just a news on facebook ,    as a renowned artist ,   comes to Romania ,  for the second time in the city of Botosani. FIRST TIME WAS IN BUCHAREST .More precisely he sing in Botosani on 5 july 2019
Three days pass my mother comes and gives me the news:
-Sweetheart ?
-Yes Mother?
Come a little in the kitchen
Yes? Now? What is it?
Sweetheat comes your birthday
, and i want to ask you something.
Miruna: What is it mom?
Mom:Are you singing something to me ?
Miru: Sure but why you want sing today?
Mom: I have not heard you for a some time ,singing with joy.
Miru : Well , I really wanted to singing something but without your prayer.
Mom: Come on , please sing it , with passion , feeling music with pasion.
Miruna: ok,ok.
Miruna: Tu me partiste el corazon,    Pero mi amor,    no hay problema ,   no ,  no
Ahora puedo regalar,    un pedacito cada nena ..solo..pedacito.
Mom: Wow sweetheart ,   Wonderful.Please keep your eyes closed ,   I have a surprise.
Miru: Yes?
Mom: You can open your eyes ,   and please open the box in front of you
Miru: i can not Believe ( wonder )
Mom: What is there ? Say Aloud
Miruna: Two tickets to MALUMA concert .But how is it posible? Did the ticket go down?
Mom : It does not matter anymore,    I've taken two ,    maybe you go with someone you Love,     maybe with a girlfriend of yours,   Or someone else,    I know you're a 100% fan ,   and you adore it so much ,   and who knows ,   maybe you"re calling on the stage ,   As I heard he does ,   with his fans ,  I know you would like it.
Miruna: I have no words, Thank you mother.

The beginning of the meeting- Version  EnglishNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ