13. The Magic Of Masks (ChickLit Weekly Prompt Winner)

Start from the beginning

"It'll be fine." Lottie dismissed. "Bye."


I still had some lingering doubts about the situation as I shimmied into my dress later that night. I had to admit, Lottie had done well on such a budget. My dress was breathtakingly beautiful, yellow at the top descending into floaty sheets of orange with fire red at the bottom. Every time I moved the fabric glistened and glittered, matching the sparkles on my elaborate full face mask.

I felt like Cinderella - all I needed now was a prince to dance with me at the ball.

I hurried down to the limo waiting outside the apartment block, momentarily wondering if my date would be prematurely judging me based on my living situation. Yes, sharing a tiny flat with Lottie wasn't ideal, but at my pay grade it was quite literally the best I could afford. Lottie always told me I should demand a pay rise from Rita, or at least get paid for the extra hours I spent that would pretty much double my salary. There was a fat chance of that.

The driver opened the limo door for me. "Thanks," I smiled. I had been privy to Rita completely ignoring those who worked tirelessly for her many a time, and even a simple expression of gratitude could go a long way in jobs like this. I slid into the seat opposite my date, rearranging the skirts of my dress as I waited patiently for him to wrap up his phone call.

"Just bloody well get it done!" I flinched as his voice rose into an angry shout before flipping the phone shut forcefully. Gideon's attention swivelled towards me, noticeably checking me out from head to toe. I couldn't stop myself from blushing, but it was from embarrassment more than anything. "Well, my idiot PA has screwed up once again." He concluded. "When I asked him for an escort, I expected her to be pretty at least."

I stared at him, completely speechless as he continued, "Your dress looks cheap, too. How much am I paying you for this?"

Flabbergasted, I summoned some wits to respond, "I'm not an escort. I was told by a friend this was a date."

He laughed harshly. "A date! I can't possibly come to this alone, so I ordered my PA to find someone to go with me. I thought it was fairly obvious what type of woman I was asking for."

My cheeks had turned from a rosy blush to full on flame red. "Sorry," I choked out, "but I'm not that type of woman. I'd better go." The limo was luckily still parked, as if waiting for the signal to go, so I felt no regrets in climbing out immediately, despite the fact Gideon Lee, a member on Rita's board of directors, was yelling after me. I stumbled out into the fresh air, my shoulders freezing. I was a fool to think anyone would ever take an interest in me, a lowly PA. I was a fool to think I could try and scam my way into the social event of the season. I was a fool to even try and make it in the cutthroat business industry.

I felt like I would never advance forward in my life - at least until the driver came out after me.

"If he sent you to come get me, tell him I won't go to the stupid ball no matter how much he pays!" I said shrilly, until the driver put a comforting hand on my arm. 

"Believe me, I know how he gets." He said sympathetically. "I've been his driver for five years."

"Sorry I... I'm a mess." I admitted, before sticking my hand out. "I'm Maisie, by the way. Rita's PA at your service."

The driver shook it. "Carson. Isn't Rita his boss?"

"Rita's everyone's boss." I said bitterly.

"Well then, you must be doing something right. She's a hard woman to please, and legend has it her PA's never last more than a month."

"I've been there two years."

He shrugged. "Then you're good. She might not admit it, but I bet she'd never survive without you." He nodded at me before heading back to the limo and taking off, his words still stuck in my mind.

He was right. I had managed to keep up with the world's most unpredictable woman longer than anyone else had. Rita wasn't married; her business was her baby. As far as family and friends were concerned, I was pretty much the closest thing she had.

Which entitled me to some leverage.

I dialled her number. As soon as she picked up, I launched into my impromptu speech before she had a chance to respond, or worse, before I lost my nerve.

I demanded better pay, better hours, better everything, and above all, a guaranteed promotion in the next year. Otherwise, I would leave her, and she would be lost.

And you know what? She agreed.

I should have followed Lottie's words of wisdom long ago. I should have made those demands a year before. But it wasn't until I was wearing my dress and mask that I had the confidence to do it.

What can I say? There's something magical about masquerades.

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