My Birthday

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Your Birthday Is the day your a year older, the day the whole day is about you with cake,candles, sweets and be overloaded with presents right. Well for years that's what it was like until my birthday of last year.
Lets start in the beginning I was turning 17 and I only had 1 more year until the next chapter started I would be graduating, moving out, driving I was so excited. So on September 16th a week before my birthday I decided I would start planning a party the following week so I sent out text message invitations to about 50 people so I got cake, drinks, decorations and party supplies a few days later for the party. Then the day of the party I was so confused I had invited over 40 people and only 5 shown I was like did I send the wrong address, wrong date what did I do so I texted them all asking where they where none of them answered and of course I was extremely mad and sad at them but then I realized I can still have a party with a few of my friends and besides they where my closest friends I knew I could always trust. After swimming I was like I'm going to order a pizza then they all yell at me suspiciously saying NO. I was like ok why and they said they where taking me out so we all went up to my room and got dressed up with our super cute and sexy outfits, are curled up hair and out makeup looking good so we ordered a Uber and where on our way we went to this banquet hall I told them that I was hungry and asked them what we where doing there they just said they needed to pick something up I was like from a banquet hall? But I blew it off real quick and we walked in and all my friends where there, all my friends planned a surprise birthday party for me I was so happy but at the same time I was shocked.
So far seems like a great birthday.....right? Wrong. After a lot of dancing and eating someone brought booze I had never drank before and I wasn't planning on it before 21 but after debating I was like 1 drink one do anything so I had a beer which led to a 2nd which led to a 3rd which led to me giving my crush who was also my best guy friend a lap dance. Which was bad enough but kinda fun because he knew I was wasted and wasn't the guy to take advantage of someone but sadly for me not everyone is like him. After the party a few of my friends and I walked around the city getting sober so we didn't have to go home drunk to our parents. When a man in a truck jumps out and yells to my friends and I that we need to get in his car because there was someone stalking us so our stupid drunk selves get into the car and at first he seems nice asking our names and where we were going so I told him my whole day which was a big mistake good job self. When he stopped the whole vehicle and all he says is Oh with a Smirk on his face and now me and my friends realize this guy is real sketchy so we just tell him we are all sober up which we pretty much where and he said no No NO I AM GOING TO DROP YOU OFF I WANT TO DROP YOU OFF I AM DROPPING YOU OFF and we all just looked at each other when we came to a stop he told us he would be right back and that he needed to go to the bathroom the next stop so we all talked about how when he goes In we where just going to run so the next stop cane up and he got out and went to the bathroom and I told them all to go oh first and that o was going to go out last since I could run fast if he came out faster than we thought and surely he did and everyone got out and ran inside the store and since I was the last one out he saw me and zip tied me to the seat and before they realized I was zipped away in his car and before I could blink we where in the middle of woods and he told me that he had anger issues and that what he was going to do was rope me to a tree in the middle of the woods which was behind his house and whenever he got mad instead of beating his wife I was his puppet and Belford you know it I was his puppet and idk if my friends looked for me, tried to find me , or just wanted to leave me there but that was my last resting spot and some people may say I does him and I agree but I would always rather be dead then see any 1 of my friends tied to this tree dead.

*this is a message to all of you saying don't be stupid and never get in a car with someone you don't know * and this was fake

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2018 ⏰

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