Chapter 9: The Kriegsmarine

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[2 weeks later...]

[Admiral's Room]

Y/N: um... Wait wait wait, i can't hear you clearly

The Admiral Sighed

Admiral: my Friend, which is also a Naval Base Admiral from Germany, has sent his Ships in the Pacific for a Mission. Abyssal Fleets begins to swarm and scatter in a specified area and seems to be planning an Ambush with the use of their Aircraft Carriers

He sent 5 Ships. 1 Battleship, 1 Heavy Cruiser, 1 Aircraft Carrier and 2 Destroyers.

Y/N: then what does that do to me?

Admiral: what I'm trying to say, is that you also got a mission to go to that Specified area and destroy the Aircraft Carriers attempting to ambush them using their sent aircrafts

Y/N: how many Abyssals are we talking about?

Admiral: 3 Abyssal Fleets. Composed of 18 Abyssal Ships or less. One fleet that attempts to ambush could be sending aircrafts behind a mountainous Island, close to the Specified area

Alright. I can't send you alone. So, what type of ships do you want to accompany you?

Y/N: i need 5 Destroyers. It'll be a Destroyer - heavy Cruiser Fleet.

Fubuki as the Flagship. Mutsuki, Yuudachi and Shimakaze. But i don't know who'll be the fifth Destroyer

Admiral: why do you want destroyers?

Y/N: light, strong and fast. They can move better because of their outfit, or battle gear.

Admiral: if that's the case, then..

Yamakaze! Please get in!

A girl peeps. She has White tan skin. She has Blue-Green long Wavy hair, with a big Dark blue bow. Blue eyes, and wears Black - white - Blue Uniform

 Blue eyes, and wears Black - white - Blue Uniform

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Yamakaze: ...

Admiral: Yamakaze. Don't be afraid. Its just me and our Modern Ship.

Yamakaze: e-erm...

She enters slowly and sweating. She seems Very shy to talk.

Admiral: Y/N, she's Yamakaze. A reversed Shiratsuyu class Destroyer ship.

Y/N: wait, so she's Shimakaze's sister? Their name is kind of similar

Admiral: Shimakaze was a Prototype ship. She doesn't have any sisters.

Shiratsuyu is Yamakaze's big sister.

You stand up. Yamakaze can't look you straight to the eyes. She's so Shy to talk

You then prepare your hand for a Handshake

Y/N: Yamakaze, was it? I'm Y/N. The Modern Heavy Cruiser. This is our first meet up

Divine Spectre(Kantai Collection X Male Fortress Ship Reader)Where stories live. Discover now