Chapter 6

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"Rose!" I heard a distant voice call out to me. I turned around to see where the voice had came from but suddenly crashed into a hard chest making me lose my balance and fall backward.

I closed my eyes bracing myself for the fall which never came. In an instant, a set of warm muscular arms were wrapped around my waist steadying me as I held onto my saviour for dear life. Goosebumps arose on the exposed skin of my waist from the sudden foreign contact and I felt my cheeks heat up.

My heart thundered in my chest as I slowly opened my eyes and found myself staring back into a pair of deep blue eyes. I felt myself being lured into a trance as time stood still and the world around us seemed to have magically disappeared.

I was held captive by those alluring intense blue eyes which bored into mine, making it impossible for me to tear my gaze away.


Seconds passed by and I lost track of time as I was held by my godly saviour like I was the most fragile thing in the world.

"Rose!" I heard the voice call out to me again, accompanied by footsteps that snaps me out of my daze.

I took a deep breath only to breathe in his heavenly smell which was a mix of expensive cologne and his faint masculine scent. I reluctantly tried to detach myself from the guy but his arms around me didn't even budge.

I applied some pressure on my hands which were on the guy's chest and he gets the message. He slowly loosened his arms on my waist and helped me get back to my feet.

I gradually came back to my senses and feel totally flustered by how I reacted in front of the stranger. Unable to find the courage to face those alluring blue eyes again, I took a step back and turned around to see Amber and Ivan walk towards us.

"Ugh, there you are. Where did you head off so suddenly?" Amber demanded.

"I.. I was..." I replied shakily my nerves still haywire, when Ivan cut me off.

"Also look, she was with Rhyan. I was getting worried when he wasn't picking up my last calls."

I looked around as my brain tried to comprehend what Ivan had just said. Abruptly, my eyes widened as everything clicked into place and my eyes fall on the guy whom I crashed into.

His eyes were still trained on me and had a slight smirk on his handsome face. I instantly looked away as my cheeks burned with embarrassment.

"I must've left my phone in the car." Rhyan replied in his deep voice.

That voice sent chills down my spines making my insides flutter. It hadn't even been long since I'd met this Rhyan guy and his presence was already doing strange things to me and messing with my head.

I mentally cursed and quickly got a hold of myself. After a few seconds, I couldn't seem to help myself as my eyes travelled back to Rhyan meeting his dark stormy blue ones.

Amber cleared her throat and decided to speak out.

"But how did you recognise each other? I mean I'm pretty sure you've never met-" Amber questioned suspiciously and a strange emotion flashed in Rhyan's eyes and his whole demeanor changed. His eyes which were boring through mine with so much intensity turned ice cold and his playful expression was replaced with a cold unreadable mask.

He slightly turned to face Amber who was standing to my right.

"We didn't."

Rhyan replied coldly his tone void of any emotions. Ivan either dismissed or didn't seemingly noticed Rhyan's cold stance and cheerfully added, " Oh never mind, let me introduce you guys to each other. Rhyan, this is Amber's cousin, Rose-"

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