Chapter 20 - The Barrier

Start from the beginning

Suddenly, Hak proposed the battle to finally begin.

Hak: "BEGIN!"

Both Hak and Hawk let out their cry and charged right at one another. They slashed their swords, hitting each other's weapons. The fight has just started.

Hak attacked from the side but Hawk swiftly blocked his attack with his sword. The sound of the metal hitting against each other was causing Rose's heart to beat faster.

Travis: "Come on, Hawk..."

Hawk leaped towards Hak with his sword. However, due to Hak's quick reflexes, he swiftly blocked Hawk's sword with his. They both crossed theirs swords.

Hak: "Not bad, Hawk. But it's not enough to defeat me!"

Hak forcefully pushed Hawk backwards. Luckily, Hawk was able to keep his balance.

Hawk: "You may be strong, but I will do anything to win this battle!"

Hak: "Oh really?"

Hawk charged again right at Hak but Hak immediately moved to the side and used the back of his sword to hit Hawk from behind. Hawk fell to the ground as his sword flung right into the ocean.

Travis: "Hawk!"

Travis shouted his Hawk's name as he hopelessly watched his best friend losing to his older brother. Hak looked down at his little Brother and spoke.

Hak: "Remember the time when mother was suddenly murdered in her sleeps?"

Hawk turned to Hak and glared at him in The eye.

Hawk: "Why are you bringing that up now?!"

Hak remained the smirk on his face.

Hak: "What if I confess that I was the one who killed her..."

Hawk's eyes widened. Travis, Ling Ling and Rose was all shocked too by Hak's sudden confession.

Hawk: "You bastard! How could you?! You killed our own mother!!"

Hak: "She was never like a true mother to me. She only had eyes on you and Harmony."

Hawk: "But that doesn't you the right to murder her! You took the throne for yourself!!"

Hak wickedly laughed.

Hak: "That's right. But since I didn't bear a child, the throne will eventually go to you..."

Hawk tried to get back onto his feet but Hak pointed his sword right at Hawk's neck.

Hak: "It looks like I won this battle."

Hak raised his sword up. Hawk just continued to glare at him, even though he knew his life was going to end.

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