Chapter 9 - The Heartfelt

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<In the garden>

Rose is helping out Harmony pick out some medical herbs since harmony was busy treating some patients' wounds.

Harmony had done so much for Rose. So, Rose wanted to repay her in some way.

Rose's face was covered with dirt and sweat.

Rose: "I just need to get more German Charmoniles and I should be good to go!"

Rose used the back of her hand to wipe her forehead. As she continue to dig through the soil, she saw Travis walking towards her.

Rose happily acknowledged him.

Rose: "Hi Travis! What are you doing here?"

Travis: "Hey Rose, I just came here to find some Jasmine flowers. Have you seen any?"

Rose: "Oh, I just saw a sign that says 'Jasmine Flowers'. It's right over there."

Rose pointed at the patch of white flowers.

Travis: "Oh there they are! Thanks Rose!"

Rose: "No problem."

Travis strolled over to the group of Jasmine Flowers. He kneeled down and pluck one out.
He then brought the flower close to him and he smiled.

At the same time, Rose was done with her task. She carried the basket of herbs and went to Travis. Rose thought Travis was acting a bit strange.

Rose: "Travis?"

Travis snapped out of his imaginations.

Travis: "Huh?"

Travis looked at Rose.

Rose: "Are you going to give that flower to someone?"

Travis suddenly stop in his tracks.

Travis: "Umm...N-No! It's not for anyone!"

Rose: "But why is your face turning red?"

Rose smirked.

Rose: "Is it for a special someone?"

Travis's face turned even redder. He quickly found an excuse to get out of the situation.

Travis: "I-I must be getting back to work! I will see you around, Rose!"

Travis immediately dashed off. Rose stood there, confused but then she laughed.

Rose: "Travis is so weird sometimes..."

<In the hallway...>

Rose hurriedly ran through the hallway. She told harmony that she would be in the herbalist's room by 12 but it was already 12.20!

She was too busy talking to Travis that she didn't realise what time it was.

Since Rose was in a hurry, she did not pay attention to her surroundings. She then accidentally bumped into someone. (Again!)

Rose's basket of herbs flew and fell onto the ground. All the herbs scattered everywhere.

Rose: "Omg! I am so sorry!"

Regal Academy - The Legend of the Mermaid Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt