Book 1: Safeguard

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This book is by Saturnightly


1) What is the main theme of your book and how is it significant to your book?

I never really thought that much about this, which is horrible I know. I'd like to believe there are a lot of forces on this earth that determine what happens in situations and how things end up. Karma, serendipity, miracles, divine intervention. I'd say Safeguard is heavily themed by that, serendipity and fate, what's written in the stars. Two people accidentally coming together after their own two different versions of a crisis. Two people coming together and complimenting each other almost perfectly, right after going through a pretty tough time, it's almost like it's earned. Like the universe putting two people together, the stars aligning a compatible connection.

Because of their past, their toils and the train of unfortunate happenings in their life, they've both been molded into the exact type of person the other needs in their life right now, at the exact time the universe was ready for them to connect. The universe does it's job, it gets them together, nothing beats the universe.

So yeah, I'd say the overall theme is that fate is real, and things will always turn to the stars and the universe. No matter what hell you've been through, the universe will shift you to where you're meant to be, with who you're meant to be with, and who you're meant to end up being. If you're feeling lost and unloved and like all hope is lost, trust that you will find your true north.

You'll be saved, dragged from your pit of despair eventually.

It may be in the form of a lover, a dog, a family member, a friend, or even a house, but it'll come around eventually, so hang on until then.

Oh, and one more thing. The thing that saves you or the person that the universe puts you with may not be your true north or your holy grail, rather the person who shows it to you. The person put in your life to snap you out of it and steer you in the right direction, steer you into your true north.

2) What inspired you to write this story?

I sorta don't remember, since it was a while ago when I originally started writing this but...I wanted to write a story about a chance encounter, something that's so coincidental, something that's so fortunate that you just know it had to be destined. Also my first crush's name was Alex and I was just like hey, let's just use this as the love interest's name so I can look at him more endearingly.


After finding and defending her from a harassment in a dark alley behind a nightclub, bringing her to his car and consoling her, quirky and artistic new guy to Seattle, Alex, takes an immediate interest in Cleo and becomes hell-bent on working his way through her cynicality.

In opposition to Alex's shameless display of interest, she initially pushes him away. Having just gone through intense heartbreak and grown bitter towards the idea of love, she thinks surely the stars can't align right after they've crossed. Surely he has to be single-mindedly interested in her body, like her previous boyfriend and every other guy to walk the halls of North Seattle High.

But when Alex proves himself different, and Cleo finds herself delving deeper into his spontaneity and moony eyes, she also finds herself wrapped up in all the mania that entails his colorfully flawed world, from his crime-affiliations to his abusive household. Furthermore, discovering there may be a deadline to his time in Seattle.

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