Chapter Two: The Reunion

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Midnight strikes, the moon at its peak. My wolf head staring up at the moon, we feel our souls start to pull away from our body, lifting into the dark night sky floating into a different dimension. Total darkness surrounds us when there is a sudden flash of light, something pulling us towards the bright light until the light replaces the dark. Our eyes adjust, taking in the scenery before us, every object appears to be glowing. We instantly recognize it as the one and only historical and religious Garden of Eden. Trees scattered around the area, easily 300+ feet tall housing multiple niches for small animals to live in. Fields and mountains line the horizon, a mighty creek flowing softly in the distance, large enough for each of the wolves to stand around together all at once. Tropical, enchanting flowers, vines, and bushes grow like wild Our eyes glace at the hundreds of thousands of wolves below us, patiently awaiting something to occur. Our souls are slowly being brought down to the surface, somehow our souls "stand" for the lack of a better term, in front of a majestic and radiant creature. 

A massive pure white wolf with sullen golden eyes stands firmly on the ground before our eyes, her voice dripping with authority and gracefulness, "My kingdom, this is the moment we have all been waiting for restlessly for centuries. Makawee has finally been found and returned to us, her presence soon will be able to help wolves across the world, guiding and aiding them through the struggles that surround those of us left on earth." She turns to me and my wolf, "Rebecca, your wolf Makawee was once a part of me. Due to a greedy action of mine, having taken a bite from the forbidden apple... a part of myself was torn away from me. I was forced to live eternity in wolf form without my wolf's soul, leaving us empty. Her soul has been traveling all this time, waiting and seeking out a human soul worthy of taking on her abilities. You and I, Rebecca, are forever connected as Makawee was once my wolf soul and now she is a part of your soul as well. You two have been granted eternity to walk the Earth, seeking out and accepting offers from any wolf in need. I am Mother Moon and I will provide you guidance through Makawee as she is what connects us."  Walking slowly around our souls, she absorbs a part of Makawee's essence as well as mine. "It has been a long time old friend." She addresses Makawee, receiving a head bow in response.

"Oh and Rebecca, before I allow you to make your journey back to earth, I must inform you of some rather important pieces of information so that you are not frightened. Over the next two to three years, the two of you will begin to regain your abilities such as your ability to heal others, being able to mentally, as well as being a shapeshifter as a means to also protect yourself. You are now an extension of Mother Moon herself, you will have to learn to control each of these abilities in order to help those in need. Over the years, as your mind and body fully develop and mature, more and more wolves will seek out your help, feeling a natural pull to your essence when their lives are in danger. You are now the mother and protector of all wolves. They all will feel drawn to you regardless of the situation. You will have to face perhaps the biggest struggle you will ever be faced with. Each wolf is granted a mate from fate as a gift of our goodness and light. However, due to my mistake, Makawee and in turn, you as well have been cursed with having a multitude of pseudo mates. You will be burdened which weaving through them, listening to every cell in your body that will be guiding you to make the right decision and pick your real soul mate. That is the one thing I will be unable to help you with as that part of me left when Makawee was taken from me. You will have to listen to her as deep down she will know who her true mate is. I wish you well on your journey through life, I am afraid this is the first and last time we will be able to meet with each other. Go forth and make your kingdom proud." She gestures to the kingdom below us, "We all believe in you and look forward to one day being reunited with both you and Makawee."

There is a loud boom following by a crack as a shock of electricity buzzes through our souls, snapping our souls back into our body like a rubber band retracting into itself. I open my eyes to see myself in human form, my brothers' wolves staring down at me frightened for my life. "Woah, how long was I out for?" I sound almost giddy as if I am coming off of some high. My brothers stare at me in disbelief, "We looked up from our meals to see that you had fallen, you just shifted back into your human form as you awoke. You were only out for a few minutes." Austin speaks to me through the mind link, keeping it open so that Blake could also be a part of the conversation. Still giddy, I feel myself giggle as I quickly curl into a ball before jumping up, feeling invigorated. "What the hell just happened Becc's? And for the love of god, please shift back into your wolf until we get back to our clothes. We may be animals but we still see you as our little sister first and foremost." Blake barks out, averting his gaze to anywhere but me. I laugh at him before shifting back into my wolf. "Let's go finish our run!" I blurt out, ignoring his question, my whole body feeling enlightened and electrified.

The Badass and the PuppyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora