Chapter 2: Party Crashers

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High School Story: a Michael Route Fanfiction

Chapter 2: Party Crashers

I arrive at my house after a long day at school, instantly make my way to my room and drop my backpack. I let myself fall onto my bed and look at the clockworks, "it's 3.35 PM. I'm getting ready for party by 4 P.M or maybe 4.45, I still have time I'm gonna lay here."

I roll over to other side of my bed and get to see the view outside the window. "what a long tiring day," I mumble. As I close my eyes, all that I imagine is Michael and how he leans closer to me, with his stares.

I frown after relizing what I was thinking, I get up to sit on my bed, resting my chin on my hand and sigh, "it's been only the first day of school and I'm crushing on a boy already? This. Can't. Be. What the h-"

"Hey, do I even recognize that feature I'm seeing outside?" I focus my eyes, narrowing them and open the curtain that is blocking my sight. "Michael?!"

Michael leans against his motorcycle that is parked accross the street with his leg crossed, he grins when he sees me behind the curtain. He gestures his chin to ask me get out of the house so then, I run outside to get him.

"So, what's up Mr. Motorcycle?" I walk closer to him as he rides his bike from accross to my house yard.

"Nothing actually," he smirks as he drinks the water he carries, "but, yeah.. I was creeping on you."

"What are you doing?"

"Creeping, doesn't sound clear enough, huh?"

"I mean, what's that for?"

"I was just seeing you going home and curious where was the new kid's address I guess."

"I guess?"

"Yeah, yeah." He looks down uncrossed his legs and leans his hands onto the motorcycle, "why are you keep asking back?"

"Are you annoyed?"

"Not at all. Anyway," Michael looks for something in his backpack, and he hands me my math homework book, "you left your book at class. I was the last one to get out when Ms. Maddox notice your book left behind so she handed me this to give this book to you but you headed so soon."

"Oh.. thanks," I take my book from his hand.

"Be careful next time," Michael says and I turn my face to him seeing him smiles a little, "anyway, I'm going home. Catch ya' later."

As the sound of his rumbling motorcycle fades, I get back inside as I'm thinking "what a coincidence."

An hour before Brian's party, I'm getting ready in my room. Looking at every inches of my closet if there's anything fancy to wear. Suddenly, the door opens. I see my dad with a huge smile, "there's my little tiger! Was your first day of school grrrrreat?"

I roll my eyes and put off the clothes I'm holding, "daaaad, just because you're my Dad doesn't mean you have to tell dad jokes to me."

"I think it's written in the contract, Sierra," Dad winks, "so.. what's on tap tonight? Pizza and TV or TV and pizza?"

"Actually, I'm headed to party."

"On school night? Are you for real?" Dad looks a little startled, in a moment I was afraid he won't let me go, "I'm impressed! You're making new friends already."

I let a relieved sigh, knowing the fact that he's impressed I thought he even will not let me go, "thought you were gonna give me speech about underage drinking and unplanned pregnancy."

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