Chapter 3:The Brokenhearted

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As I step back, I accidentally bump into Caleb, "Oh my Gosh, wrong timing. What am I suppose to tell him?"

"What's going on, Sierra?" Caleb asks me while I'm panicking.

"Oh, Caleb! Uh.. " I stutter and frown at him, knowing he'll get hurt by the girl he truly loves if he knows this. "This is gonna be hard to explain."

Caleb raises his eyebrow, his facial expression looks puzzled "Is everything okay?"

"Okay, I can't lie but neither I can tell you," I say as I'm blocking the view of Zoe and Brian making out. Caleb tries to reach the bathroom before I say "Zoe and Brian are in there together."

"What?" There's nothing else about Caleb's expression but shock, Caleb shakes his head, furrowing eyebrows to me, "you are lyring she wouldn't do that."

Caleb pushes past me and marches into the bathroom. He stops dead in his track when he sees Zoe and Brian are kissing furiously against the wall, "no, it can't.. be.." I reach out for his arm, trying to comfort Caleb, "please tell me this is some sort of misunderstanding."

"Doesn't look like one to me." I furrow my brows to Brian and Zoe while comforting Caleb.

Zoe and Brian pull each other apart, "crap, you weren't supposed to see this!"

"Caleb, I'm sorry," Zoe walks up to Caleb, leaving Brian behind. She tries to hug Caleb but Caleb pulls her away.

"How could you.." Caleb looks up holding tears in his eyes, he trails off, his voice on the verge of cracking, "it's over, Zoe."

Caleb exits the room, I follow him trying to comfort him. He turns to me, "Thanks for the heads up, Sierra, you are good in my book."

"Anytime, I just wish this didn't happen."

Caleb takes a long glance at the bathroom before storming outside.

I look around the backyard, looking for Caleb but he's nowhere to be found. Several of my classmates rush up to me showering me with questions about what happened to Caleb. I explain to them about how Brian betrayed their friendship and Zoe cheats on him with Brian. Everyone's surprised and angry.

"No, why would she cheat on Caleb?" Emma startled.

"Can't say, I'm surprised," Michael feels sorry.

"He shouldn't be alone right now. We've gotta go after him," I say without wonder.

"We?" Aiden hesitates.

"You're new here, so I'll let it slide. But none of us really hang out with Caleb except Julian," says Michael turning to Julian.

"But he's one of us, wouldn't you want someone to go after you if the tables were turned? We can't let him alone, so.. who's with me?" I look around at everyone who's thinking, some of them looking down, after several seconds nobody really responds, "All right, guess I'm doing this by myself."

"No, no wait. I'm with you Sierra," before I'm leaving, Emma stops me holding my hand, "I'll do anything for Caleb."

"I can't help my football brother down, I'm in too," Julian smiles a little. He says sorry that he didn't say that earlier because he's not good about the feeling talk.

"Count me in as well, what Zoe did is disgusting," Maria raises her hand in the air, I smile at her thank you, Maria grins, "not to mention Caleb could persuade a few more people to come to homecoming."

"It's the right thing to do, so I'll join your group." Aiden joins.

Everyone turns to look at Michael. He raises an eyebrow and scoffs, "I can't believe you all. But this party is boring.. so what the heck, I'm in. I've got nothing better to do, so I'm in."

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