Newt smiled at his grinning daughter. "Of course. Anything for you."

The commotion of what was going on down stairs seemed to have awoken and walked his way downstairs. "Hey little sis." Thomas had walked his way to his sister and wrap his arm around her shoulders. It looked like he had put her in a choke hold.

Tazanna smiled at her older brother and greeted him before going back to finishing her breakfast. Thomas had let go of her and walked over to the sink to get a glass of water.

Soon enough it had been time for tazanna to go and tazanna frowned. "I don't wanna go dad." Newt frowned at her sad face, "Thomas, maybe we could-"
"No dad. You said that you wanted this for her."
Newt noded before turning back to his daughter and kneeling before her. "I'm so sorry sweetie. I wish I could listen to me heart and it is telling me so loudly to let you stay but my head knows that's not the right choice." Tazanna sighed knowing it was best not to argue with her father.

"See ya sis."
"I'll be home when you get back."

Tazanna strolled out side the home. Her school supplies in her back and her head covered by a dark red cap. It wasn't freezing yet it was a little cold so tazannas arms were soon covered in goosebumps.

The trail was empty and the only sounds that could be heard are the leaves swaying and the birds chirping.

It was quiet enough that tazanna could hear the footsteps quietly approach behind her. Tazanna body filled up with fear. Her eyes started to water as she remembered kids you to follow her on the trail and one time they beat her up and left her in a ditch. Tazanna started at walked faster when an arm touched her sleeve. She pulled her arm away with a light scream and was faced by a started girl.

"Oh, how sorry I am, I didn't mean to startle you." Tazannas breaths started to even put again as she started at the red headed girl. "I'm sorry. My name is anne." The ginger extenes her hand out to the brunette with light traced of ginger in her hair with a smile. Tazanna hesitated before grabbing her hand and shaking it. "Tazanna" she spoke quietly and with a light smile. "You're britsh?" Tazanna nodded at her statement.

"Oh how I've always wanted to meet a brit. Is England as pretty as they talk about it in the book? I bet it is. The beautiful towers and the wonderfull sights. And the romance. How spectacular." Tazanna smiled at the ginger whom was not expecting the grin anne thought that tazanna was going to scolded her for talking to much but instead she offered anne her arm. "You're going to school, right? I'll tell you on the way there." Anne laced her arm with tazannas and they walked together.

They began talking about london. How the sights were and how beautiful is was. Then they began talking about reading then the topic soon changed on how tazanna dressed.

"That is a beautiful outfit. Though your do not were dresses." Tazanna froze slightly and anne had a worried look cross her face.

"I have said something wrong haven't i, oh no. If you want me to go i will-"
"It's okay anne. It's just, people make fun of how I dress because well, I don't wear dress." Tazanna forced a laugh which anne noticed.
"People make fun of me too, for my hair color, for my freckles."

Tazanna didnt want to tell anne that she was also a slight ginger and that she was in a family full of gingers. Plus her and her father both shared freckles so she smiled.
"I think you look absolutely amazing." A light blush covered Anne's face they continued to walk.

Y E A R N I N G  --》 GILBERT BLYTHE [1] [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now