02 » angel of the ocean

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"Yo, Styles!" The all too familiar gruff voice shouts.

I look down, watching as none other than Alex starts making his way towards me.

I roll my eyes, before hopping off the short height of the lifeguard chair.

"Having fun?" He asks with a smirk.

"Loads, now that you're here." I shoot him a sarcastic smile.

He chuckles. "How nice. Anyway, I came here to remind you about payment." He says.

"You came all the way down just to tell me that? I'm moved."

He laughs a little harder. "What can I say? Anything for my favourite guy in the world."

I roll my eyes. "Come with me, I've got your cash." I say, jerking my head to the side, getting him to follow.

"Already? Wow, I'm impressed. Just yesterday you were whining about being broke. What did you do, rob a bank?"

"Why're you asking so many questions for?" I grumble. "Just be happy I have your cash."

He chuckles. "Alright babe, don't need get your swim trunks in a twist." He smirks, his hazel eyes raking down my body.

"Don't babe me." I snap.

"Oh come on, love," we step back into the staff locker room. "Don't you miss us?" He grazes his hand down my arm, causing me to snatch my arm away from his touch.

"No not really." I say monotonously, walking ahead of him.

I head towards my locker, taking out my wallet.

"Here's your precious money." I slap the whole wad of 5k in his palm. "Now leave me the hell alone."

He chuckles, thumb running through the notes, before grinning at me and stuffing the money into his wallet.

"I'll see you around, babe." He smirks, before he's abruptly pressing a sloppy kiss on my cheek.

I push him off forcefully. "Fuck off." I hiss, wiping my cheek harshly, hoping to just burn off the layer of skin his lips touched.

He simply laughs it off, before stalking out of the room.

I release a breath I didn't even notice I was holding, before slamming my locker back shut.

"Hey." The voice of my very tired step brother joins me.

I turn to him, smirking in amusement as I see the heavy bags under his eyes, his blue eyes half hidden behind his barely opened lids, his light brown hair completely disheveled.

"You look stunning, has anyone told you that?" I tease with a small smirk.

He glares at me. "Fuck off, I'm knackered." He grumbles, before downing what seems like a large cup of coffee.

"Here." I toss him a box of aspirin I always keep in my locker.

"Thanks." He mumbles, before gulping two pills down with the coffee.

"This is all your fault. Why didn't you stop me from drinking so much?" He whines, rubbing his temples.

I snort out a laugh. "You were literally rat-arsed just an hour into the party. You can't blame me." I shrug.

"Speaking of last night, what you did was amazing." He smiles weakly at me.

"What did I do?" I raise a brow.

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