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I woke up in a Dusty dark hole or what looked like one I had no shoes on and was in shorts and an over side t-shirt. the one light was coming from the door above. I could hear someone walking above me. I yelled pounding on the door. I heard a door open, their voices muffled as they got farther away. I pushed up on the door and it opened a little.

There was a  Rusted latch. I pulled on it and it moved a little. I climbed down and dug around in the dark. My hand landed on a Handle of a screwdriver "yes" I mumbled I got up and jabed the screwdriver in the latch, pring it out of the floor.

I pushed the door open and climbed out. I looked at it like a little Butcher shop with hooks hanging from the ceiling and blood-covered tables with various tools on the table next to it.
I started to have a panic attack. I couldn't breathe but then I heard the voice come close. I claimed myself down and ran out the door and hid behind a tree. "She's gone," a man said, "find her and change the lock," another yelled.

I took off running through the woods not knowing where it was. I stopped when a howl rang through the woods. The foot step  Multiplied and did sound human anymore. I started to run again.
My legs started to burn but couldn't stop. I turned the corner and was grabbed and a man put his hand over my mouth "shhh" he put his finger up to his mouth. My vision blurred and my leg felt weak then everything went black.

I started to regain  Consciousness I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in a room where the wall had an ugly looking wallpaper. There were two small windows. There was a iv bag hanging for a hook. I followed the Tube down to my arm.

I gently removed it. I flinched 8 little because I hated nettles. I tried to get up, fell and hit the floor with a lower bang smoth I thought to myself. I could hear movement outside the door. I got up and grabbed the needle as the door opened.

The man walked in and I pointed the needle at him. He had brown hair. It was a mess and the prettiest blue eyes. I didn't feel like he was a danger. 
He walked toward my and took the needle out of my hand and walked away "wait what" I said following him though a hallway. 

We stepped into the kitchen he leaned on the counter "my name Cole" he said "I'm allison" I said "you got you self in Quite pickle" he said "I guess" I mumbled leaning on the table "how did you find me" I said "hmm" he said looking up at me "how did you know where I was" I said.

He shifted a little "I was on a walk and just happened to run in to" he said "that enough questions for tonight" he said grabbing my arm and pulling me back to the room "good night" he said shoving me in the room and closing the door 

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