The Manush Gypsy

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"We're running short on food," Maximoff reminded his Captain. "And although it isn't an emergency, the crew wants.. gypsies," Angel stared at the messenger.
"Tell then they can suck their-"
"Captain," Ororo interrupted Angel on what was certainly going to be a very wholesome phrase. "We'll be in Germany soon. Those filthy swines will have all the gypsies they want there," She rolled her eyes as she grabbed a robe and finished tying the knot to the poop deck. Peter sighed in relief.
"I'll inform them," Maximoff gave his captain a two fingered salute as he hopped down to the main deck.
"I'm your Captain, ye know," Angel grumbled and Ororo laughed, resting her arm on the railing.
"That you are," She agreed.
Several hours later, a crew member cried 'land ho!' From the crow's nest, and shimmied his way down to the deck.
Ororo nudged her Captain, "maybe you can find yourself a gypsy." He grunted and rolled his eyes, barking orders at the crew on the normal routine of docking his precious vessel.
"If you scratch her on any piece of the dock, a gaunt shark's face will be the last thing you'll see and I'll bloody make sure of it!" He yelled his usual threats to the men.
A stressed sigh escaped Warren's lips as the men scrambled off the ship and into the harbor, practically falling over each other to get to the festival.
"Go on Captain," it was Maximoff. "Ororo and I'll finish up here," the ex-theft smiled at his Captain and Angel nodded, trusting those two more than the forty other men on his ship combined. Taking his time, Angel reached the festival and it truly was a sight to behold. Gypsy and German children alike chased each other in an innocent game of tag, alcohol was being sold by a mere Euro, couples and strangers were already making out in the streets, and best of all, five caravans stood proudly in the center of all of this, with Roma and Manush gypsies standing together, talking excitedly to one another. Suddenly, a group of three gypsy girls emerged, catching Angel's attention. Their fancy (and short, if Warren must add) skirts caught his attention as he stood smiling, dazzled by their choreography. Flicking a golden coin in their direction, the youngest caught it and bowed to him, prancing off elsewhere to entreat more men.
Catching up with his men, they so selflessly had already bought the Captain a pint of rum and handed it to him.
"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen! You're here for obviously one reason, and one reason alone," a male gypsy with a comical voice said loudly, immediately making the attention his. He wore extravagant clothing yet left his purple vest open to reveal is well trained chest. His eyeliner was not left unseen by Warren and several ladies whose attention was captured by the gypsy.
"The Feast.. of Fools," he said alas, chuckling as he did. Ororo and Maximoff were seen making their way up towards the festival, laughing lightly about whatever, until they saw the festival starting and quickened their pace.
"This festival, always taking place on the 6th of January, is a time where one would say," the gypsy paused for dramatic affect. "The devil in us gets released. My name is Clopin, and please welcome, the gypsies," he bowed as drunken and excited cheers went up and seven or eight gypsies appeared in wonderful outfits. Men and women both danced and did flips in the air, showing extreme flexibility and balance; something would catch anybody's eye. This went on for about thirty minutes until they finished their routine and were smiling. More cheers filled the festival. As most people (and all of Angel's men) went to get more drinks and food, one gypsy in particular had caught his eye as he danced with an Asian looking girl, younger than he. The boy had doe like eyes and curly black hair, not to mention milk white skin. Maybe Ororo was right. Maybe he could 'find himself a gypsy' for the night.
Angel sat patiently though, eating what food was brought to him by Maximoff. Nightfall was when the Captain would make his move on the sinful looking gypsy.
Day passed to evening and evening to twilight as the Feast of Fools continued. The ugliest man in the crowd had a crown placed on his head and a pearl necklace around his neck in honor of this topsy turvy celebration.
One last dance was done, quite a promiscuous one (even Ororo would agree), and this brought Angel's confidence skyrocketing. His Manush gypsy boy teased him with quick glances and soft smiles, annoying yet satisfying in the Captain's opinion.
The moon was full and the gypsies were tired. Most men were either off making love or passed out drunk in their seats, too bothered to show some decency. Warren made his way to the caravan his gypsy boy was at, alone and messing with his silk belt.
"Guten Abend," Warren smiled softly, careful not to startle him. The boy stayed silent but looked intrigued as Angel stood in front of him.
"And what be your name?" The Captain asked, rendering the gypsy flustered.
"Kurt Wagner," was what he said at last in a thick German accent.
"It has been a pleasure to meet you," Warren gracefully took hold of Kurt's left hand and kissed it lightly, causing a blush to spread through Wagner's cheeks.
"I-," the gypsy cleared his throat in attempt to control himself. "And you are?"
"Captain Angel."
"Appropriate," Kurt smiled and Warren tilted his head.
"Is it now?" Angel laughed when Kurt rolled his eyes. "Thank you."
"He has manners?" The Manush crossed his arms and walked towards the docks, expecting the pirate to follow.
"I may be a filthy pirate but I do have them," Warren said defensively.
"Does he now?" Kurt raised an eyebrow and Angel caught on that he was just messing with him. Grunting, Angel stopped at the docks, watching the water splash onto the wood and then retreat.
"Your tattoos are beautiful," Kurt remarked suddenly. From this angle, with the moon in front of the Captain, his unique markings seemed more alluring than before in the day. His golden hair had also been caught up in the moonlight, making Kurt want to congratulate whoever dubbed this pirate his nickname.
Warren smiled softly. "Your eyes. They have flecks of gold in them," he noticed, standing close to the gypsy. Both of them knew that the pirate was tipsy and that if this innocent flirting kept on, they would be much closer than they are now in the next few hours.
"I should.. head back," it was as if Kurt read his mind, and rejected. "My sister will be waiting for me," the Manush almost said with regret.
"You could always come with me? And my crew?" Angel added eagerly, catching the gypsy's wrist.
"I'm no pirate," was his first excuse. The Captain was going to continue to persist this gypsy until he flat out said 'no'.
"Neither was most of my men when they started out," Warren smiled, reeling in Kurt.
"My family-,"
"Will miss you.. but will move on, as all families do," Kurt was just two feet away now.
"My home-,"
"You're a gypsy," Angel murmured. "The land was your home, and the waters can be too."
Kurt almost laughed at his current situation. He had grown up with stories of people running off with gypsies and living the Romani life- never had he heard of a gypsy running off with a fearsome pirate.
"Okay," he breathed out, sure that the Captain could feel his breath on his neck.
"Alright," Angel smiled proudly at his work. He had his third, hand picked crew member, and a gypsy no less.
"I need to scrape my men off of the ground and drag them to my ship. This might not be the prettiest sight," Angel admitted, kissing Kurt's forehead. "Be back shortly," with a wink, the Captain was off, leaving Kurt at the base of the Apocalypse, bewildered and excited.
"You stupid rats! Get your arses off the ground and back onto the ship if you have *any* shred of decency left in ye!" Warren barked as Maximoff and Ororo heaved the worse of the drunks off the ground and dragged them to their ship. Thankfully, most of the men were still functional, but would be having a rough day at sea come tomorrow.
As Angel made his way back to the Apocalypse, Ororo was introducing herself to a jittery Kurt and Warren smiled to himself. Leading Kurt and the rest of his drunken crew aboard, Captain Angel steered his way out of the docks of Germany and into open waters. Angel maneuvered his ship until dawn broke the surface of the horizon and entrusted Ororo to take over once she awoke. "You showed our newest member to his quarters?" Angel double checked.
"Yes Captain, I assure you our gypsy did not sleep on the deck," she greeted him with a tired two fingered salute and walked up the stairs to the wheel as Warren walked down. "Wake me up if anything gets out of hand," Angel ordered before opening the door to his quarters, and passing out on his bed without taking off his gear.

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