Chapter One: The Turn

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We all seem to be too tired to comment or perhaps no one else saw his actions as I could see them. I could always see right through Austin's intentions, Blake, on the other hand, has always been more difficult to read as he is the more carefree brother that didn't let much get to him. Actually, I've never seen much bother Austin either except for when his protectiveness kicks in for his family. We get back to the campsite, I see Austin walk into one of the tents, gently place Emma down on a mat and zip shut the entrance of the tent. Curiosity bubbles inside of me but the aching that flashes across my body is enough to distract my thoughts. Ouch. A sudden heat engulfs my body as well, I see darkness falling yet again and gulp frighten as I remember my brother's words earlier this morning. "Your first turn." I wonder what he meant by that... Jaimie's voice brings me out of my retreat within myself. "That river kicked my ass and Austin was the one doing most of the work! I can only wonder how sore his body is after the river and offering to carry Emma all that way back home today." I see her stretch into the air, bending over to further her stretches. I see Blake's eyes slide up from her ankles to her ass, a deep growl erupts through my chest, scaring Jaimie and forcing away my brother's prying eyes. Jaimie tosses me a weird look but then must assume she is hearing things due to exhaustion. "I'm gonna hit the sack, I'll see you in the morning girly." She gives me a tight hug before escaping to her tent, probably relishing in the thought of having firm surroundings as she sleeps instead of being left in the open vulnerable to the things that go bunk in the dark. Damn, my mind is taking a dark turn.

My mother is the next one to approach me, I notice worry spread across her gracious features. "My sweet-sweet Becca." She caresses my cheek as she speaks "I cannot begin to imagine what you are about to go through for I am a mere human. We must have a conversation about your father and my past after tonight. I am here if you need me but I am afraid only your brothers will be able to guide you through your transition tonight. I am a stranger to the world of werewolves for I was merely dragged into the darkness of it before escaping. Your brothers are living hope that there is light and I have no doubt that you will follow in their footpaths or possibly create your own path of goodness. I will be here for you in the morning baby girl." She goes to stand, kissing the top of my head before wishing me a good night and retreating to our tent for the night." I sit with my head in my hands, taking deep breaths as I absorb the meaning of her words. Footsteps approach me, I needn't look up to know who they belong to, it's as if I can smell his scent. The smell of sage, a scent that combines cedar and grass, yes, definitely sage. "Becca, Blake and I will be with you throughout the whole night. There is no need to be frightened, after the initial shift your wolf will be at the surface, sharing your mind. In order to complete the connection, you will feel a strong urge to go for a run and make hunt. This will symbolize the connection between you and your wolf being strengthened as your souls intertwine together. You will be able to hear her in your mind, be able to speak with her whenever you please, as will she be able to speak with you. While in human form you will be able to push her to the back of your mind and ignore her but with great effort as she will most likely put up a fight. You will have to learn to share your mind and respect one another. Mates is a term short for soul mates. Fate deems two people fit for each other, two people, who are perfect and destined to complete the other person for all eternity, in this life and the next, the souls rejoining every time. In the event of an unforeseeable death or rejection, the souls part for that life but rejoin during the next, destined to always be together. Any time from the age of sixteen, the time of the first turn, to around the age of twenty, marks the prime time for a wolf to recognize their mate as being their mate. However, there are rare cases where mates do not meet until later in life due to having lived across the world and having some outside force holding them back from each other. Your wolf will reveal her name to you tonight so listen carefully. Everything that happens tonight will further solidify the bond you two will share. It has been compared loosely to childbirth, the only thing that keeps you pushing forward is the fact that you will soon meet your wolf. Every bone in your body will break before you will be able to shift into your wolf for the first time. Every other time you shift will feel as natural as stretching. Get through tonight and the rewards that follow are more than plentiful." 

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