Chapter 10

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Heyyyyyyy hoooommmieeeees!! How y'all doing?! Hehe, finally going to update this story. I still need help with a new one I'm trying to come up with, so please help and comment on the chapter before this one <3

- Sam <3


Alan's mind was blank as Austin wasn't there to wish him a good morning. He sighed softly and got up from the floor, which he had cried himself to sleep on with his guardian angel the night before.

'I don't believe this shit is happening... Why me out of everything? Shit, man.' Alan thought to himself, groaning softly when his brain started to pound lightly against his skull, gaining a headache.

The feeling felt like a hangover, but he knew that wasn't the reason why he felt the way he did. Sometimes he didn't want to face reality but he knew he had to.

"Austin isn't normal, is he?" Alan's grandmother muttered softly, sipping on her coffee, and she didn't glance up at her grandson when he walked in after dressing and getting ready for school.

Alan looked at her, his heart starting to race slightly, before he turned and calmly took a protein bar and starting to eat it. "He's just a man with an extremely good sense for helping others in different ways." He shrugged like it was no big deal.

His grandmother huffed and got up, glaring at him slightly. "Alan... I hired a priest to come in a few days to come and bless this home; so NOTHING supernatural may enter this home. Nothing." She repeated. Alan coughed and started to cover his mouth.

"What?" He stuttered and stared at her in shock. She frowned sadly and walked to him. "Alan..." She put a hand on his shoulder, and he wasn't understanding what she was getting at.

"He's also doing blessings on US; so nothing will ever contact us that is supernatural ever again."

Alan's heart ached, and he fought off the nightmare that ran throughout his mind. 'Would he never be able to see Austin ever again?'

"Why do you insist on doing that without telling me?" He snapped and pulled away from her. She stood there, before crossing her arms to he chest.

"Ever since you met Austin, these supernatural occupancies have just been bothering us, and I don't want you being in danger anymore."

"Ever since Austin came into my life, I've been nothing more than HAPPY and willing to change for the sake of you and I's well being!" He snapped again and walked to her, and she winced and turned her head away.

"You may be scared of change, but I certainly will not be. Not anymore. I'm done living this way, grandma. I'm going to go far with or without you, so make your damn choice." He grabbed his backpack after walking past her, and walked out of the house, slamming the door.


School had been... Quiet. It made Alan a little uneasy to be honest. People didn't call him names, bother him, or anything. They seemed to look at him in a curious way...

Maybe even in a hungry way.

Their pupils seemed to be getting a little bigger, and he had to rub his eyes a few times after thinking he saw a black mist enter his English teacher.

Shit was getting so fucking weird.

To make matters even more uncomfortable, Austin usually gave a sign of his presence to Alan earlier on in the day; he never was this late to check in, and that worried the red head.

After school, he walked home, not minding the sprinkling rain. Suddenly, his phone started ringing, and he pulled it up and brought it to his ear after pulling his hood up.

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