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Elizabeth P.O.V
It's been 3 months since that experience with my Father. I went to go ask Gowther about the gender of the baby
" hey Gowther do you know the gender of the baby or" I got cut of with him saying
Gowther: " it's going to be a girl" I ran straight to Mel when I got the news
" MEL EEEEEEEEE" I was jumping up and down like a idiot
Meliodas: "calm down what" he said while laughing
"The baby is going to be" I got cut of by Gowther
Gowther: " it's going to be a girl and why are you so excited I do know understand"
Meliodas: " she could of told me" soon he picked me up and spun around in a circle. He set me down and kissed me deeply. But broke it by saying
Meliodas: " I'm going to have a little girl"
" no we are" I said happily then Diane busted in
Diane : " I'm going to have a Neice" ( I have no idea how to spell that correct me please) I was so excited
Diane: " we need to get clothes for the baby" I nodded then looked at Meliodas who was about to exploded with joy. I kissed his cheek and smiled
" so let's head out shall we" then I felt someone hug me from the behind
Meliodas: " can I come please" he said pouting I looked at Diane
Diane : " no it's girls time" I looked at Meliodas again
Meliodas : " pleaseeeeeee" then Diane grabbed me from Meliodas and gave him a death glare then I felt a kick.
I guess Meliodas noticed I looked him looking shocked he ran over and felt my stomach I felt another kick and smiled at him.
Meliodas: " well hi little princess" I giggled
" I can't wait to see you" I said while rubbing my stomach. Then I started to feel dizzy

And everything went dark...

Haha cliff hanger. You love Me don't deny it. But I hope you guys like this chapter and gimme baby names please

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