"I did," he confirms. "But hand over your price first." As if!

"N-no. How do I know if you're lying or not?"

"How do I know if you're lying or not?" he tests. I clench my fists at my sides, them holding anger and fright.

All of a sudden, my phone vibrates in my pocket, the buzzing making me jump. Perfect timing. It is obvious to James as he quirks an eyebrow at me, but I shrug it off. I really want to check whoever texted me. I'll have something to distract me from the current situation.

"Can you at least show me you have it with you?" I ask. Go ahead, keep stalling.

He looks at me for a second as if he couldn't believe me, shaking his head. But then he digs into his back pocket, pulling out the worn-down leather book. It looks a little off, different from the last time I've seen it. Maybe it's just been through so much. I can hear it screaming for mercy, somewhere, but oddly not in front of me. Somewhere further away, and I wonder why, but I sadly have no time to question it at the moment. I'll save you soon, though, little journal. Soon.

I gulp, knowing that he's expecting me to do the same. So I very slowly twist around, my hand sliding into my hind pocket, where my phone is. Ah-ha. Sneaky little girl, you. I quickly check the message, and it's from Justin.

Hey, where are you?

I silently debate whether I should answer him or not. Then I know I shouldn't even have to think about that when my conscience screams at full blast, something far from the contrary of what she's been ordering me lately. TELL HIM! TELL HIM! TELL YOUR PRINCE CHARMING SO HE CAN COME RESCUE YOU! FORGET ABOUT WHAT I'VE TOLD YOU BEFORE! JUST DO IT!

When James clears his throat to get my attention, my body shuffles, my thumb being quick as light, typing in a simple "PARK." Sent.

"Um. It's, uh...one second," I stumble with words. He flashes me a really annoyed smile then lets his eyes wander around the park while I'm acting like I'm trying to find it in my bookbag. Great. Keep procrastinating.

Eventually, James grunts in irritation and I know he's on the edge, which makes me want to stop. Don't want things to get messy. But before I can stop myself, he lunges forward and smacks my bag out of my hands, everything spilling out and onto the juicy grass. Great! I look up at him with my frightened eyes as he stands inches away from my face now, nostrils flared-oddly just like how Justin's would when he's angry-and looking like he could knock someone out any moment now. I can't help but think that someone could be me.

"W-what was that for?" I squeak, backing away from him and crouching down to gather up all the papers and spiral notebooks that have landed on the dew-misted ground.

"I'm not fucking stupid, Scarlett," he loudly exclaims. "If you don't have it, then just spit it out." I flinch away when I see one leg of his launch down to the ground, stomping in anger.

"I-I thought I had it in here..."

"Don't play that game with me, God damnit!" he growls. I crawl away from him a foot or two, dropping everything that was in my grasp to fill my bookbag back up with. I guess none of this stuff matters anyway. I'm graduating tomorrow. Wait. Oh my God! I'm graduating tomorrow! Excitement and anxiety take over my mind for a second, thinking about how I'll be able to live my own life, finally. No! What the heck are you doing!? Snap out of it! I shake my head, seeing James is no longer looking down at me, but rather behind me. Please, please tell me my rescuer has arrived!

My hope rises once I spin my head around, spotting none other than my prince charming whom I was forbidden of perceiving, up until now. Never will I ever listen to James ever again.

Written. (JB//Complete)Where stories live. Discover now