"Give me a reason, Black," Snape spits. "Give me a reason, and I swear I'll do it."

"Professor," Hermione stammers, "It wouldn't hurt to- to hear what they have to say?"

"I would have thought you heard me tell Laurent to keep quiet-"

"But if there's- if there's been a mistake-"

Snape turns to her, cloak snapping at his heels, and roars, "KEEP QUIET, YOU STUPID GIRL."

Sage raises her wand and aims to disarm him, but she's not the only one. Harry, Ron and Hermione got there before her, and the man is thrown across the room like a rag-doll. She stifles a laugh, but her joy is gone when she sees the blood trickling from under his hair.

"He'll be fine," Black shrugs nonchalantly. "Maybe the brain damage will knock some sense into the bloke. But you really shouldn't have done that. You should've left him to me."

"Oh, yeah," Sage scoffs as the prisoner moves to free Lupin from his bonds. "Because leaving him to a convicted murderer is, like, the best thing we could have done."

"Thank you, Sage," Lupin says pointedly, as Hermione's standing there rocking and muttering, "We just attacked a teacher... We just attacked a teacher..."

"Just because we did, doesn't mean we believe you," Harry says, directed at Lupin and Black, who share a glance. Sage makes a pointed glare at the professor, who is decidedly ignoring her looks. She scowls and frowns her arms.

"Professor, should I try to fix Ron's leg?" She asks. He finally looks at her. "I'm decent at healing spells."

"Yes," he agrees. "Do it while we explain."

"Wait- how do we know she's not on your side, believing all this rubbish so quickly?" Ron demands. "She might sever my leg off! She could ruin it forever! She might-"

"Shut up, you daft git," scoffs Sage. "You've known me for how long? Have I ever seemed particularly murderous to you before you found out my dad was mates with Remus Lupin and Sirius Black back in the seventies?"

Ron's silent.

"That's what I thought," Sage nods. So she lays her hands on the boy's leg and starts reciting every healing spell she knows (which, honestly, isn't that many) (but she's trying her best, okay?) and half-listening to what the others are talking about. Something about Peter Pettigrew. Something about Peter Pettigrew being a rat. Something about Peter Pettigrew being Ron's rat. Something about the rat bastard blowing up a street of muggles and framing Sirius Black, then hiding out as Scabbers for thirteen years.

Then, Scabbers turns into a crusty, middle-aged man. Sage almost throws up. She's strongly reminded of the reasons she's a lesbian.

Scabbers(Peter?) tries to talk to Harry, then to Ron, then to Hermione, but Black and Lupin grab him and absolutely fucking launch him across the room. Sage snorts down laughter. Then, everything sort of gets a bit peaceful. Lupin and Ron end up chained to Peter to stop him running away. Sage grips Hermione's hand to walk after them down the tunnel, Harry and Black take up the rear.

"What the hell just happened?" Sage asks, rubbing a hand over her face. "What... what the hell?"

"I don't know," Hermione says. "And that's rich, coming from me."

Sage laughs. "You aren't wrong, Granger."

They walk a bit in silence. Sage lets go of Hermione's hand. Then, Harry walks up ahead and says that Black wants to speak with her. Sage nods.

𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖑𝖋𝖙𝖍 𝖒𝖚𝖘𝖊 ⋆ hermione grangerWhere stories live. Discover now