Let Go

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Let Go

I tell myself you aren't worth fighting for but then I see you and I realise I am ready for war.

"Come on Charlie. You know you want to." I turn to see Luke giving me a childish grin.

"Luke we can't. You know we can't. My dad will kill me."

"What he won't know won't hurt him. Plus, it's me. He loves me." He smirks at me and I wonder why I love this idiot so much.

He pouts at me and I let out a groan. I guess he takes that as a yes because he breaks out into his boyish grin. "Okay, the water balloons are in two separate bags. The black one is mine because it's manlier. And let's face it... I am very manly." He attempts to give me a smouldering look but I can't help but laugh at my best friend.

"Please. You look like Flynn Rider."

"Do not."


I glares at me. "I do not look like a cartoon from a Disney movie!"

"Yes, you do."

"I will have you know I am very manly."

I busy myself counting my balloons. "Whatever floats your boat Luke."

"Are you seriously questioning my manhood?"

"Yeah." I almost want to laugh at how worked up he is getting over this.

"Trust me when I say this Charlie, I am all man. Nice and big and-"

"Please shut up."

"Admit it first."


"Say it Charlie."


"Say it!"

Instead of replying, I turn around and throw a water balloon at him watching as it bursts on his head. I bend over with laughter at the sight and I swear I see his eye twitch. A few seconds go by before he reaches into his bag and aims. And that is how it begins. We run around the house throwing water balloons, screaming, running and laughing.

Fifteen minutes later we both collapse onto the floor, tired from running and laughing. I try and catch my breath back and once I have I turn back to Luke, only to see him already looking at me. His bright eyes shine with love and my breathing increases, this time nothing to do with running. Neither of us look away and right here in this moment I understand why I love him. He is everything I could possibly ever want. He slowly moves over to me so that our arms are brushing. I turn so I am lying on my side, facing him. We both lean in and our lips touch.

I jump up, gasping for my breath. Myforehead is covered in sweat and my eyes are wide from the dream. I take a few deep breaths and finally collapse back onto my pillow. Before I can even stop them, tears come streaming down my face. He's still gone. I curl up into a foetal position and block out any thoughts of Luke, I have.

|| * * * ||

I ring the doorbell and wait for him to answer the door. I hear some shuffling from the other side of the door. A few more seconds go by before he opens the door. I run my eyes over the face I have grown so accustom to. The nerves I feel every time I come to see him disappears and I give him a timid smile.

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