Are You Still Mad?

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Hey Japan? Do you still have a grudge against America for the Hiroshima bombs and everything in WW2?

America, what's your favorite Japanese food?
Japan: oh no! Not now and when we first fell in love never! I mean it comes up in fights like the whole Pearl Harbor thing but we moved on and we try to forget about the past........
America: yep bro that is all true! Yah sure we fight. All couples do but we make it up with se-
Japan: *claps hand over his mouth* littler children!
America: darn..... But you might get the idea.... Oh my favorite..... Ugh that's hard because we really eat a lot of Japanese food..... Sushi, onigiri, dango..... A lot of those foods. My little jappy is the best cook ever!
Japan; I wouldn't say that..... Italy and France are better then me.
America: dude..... You have to deal with the fact that in my standards you are better.
Japan: but I can-
America: *sighs and kisses him roughly*
Japan: *blushes and kisses back*
America: *pulls away* always in my standards....
Japan: *nods and pulls him back into a kiss*

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