I want to shout about it (Kai)

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I never thought it would be possible for me to date a celebrity. Special one from my favorite boy group. It was so sudden that even after some months it still felt like a dream. I remember I went to one of EXO's fan signings, I was so nervous because I was finally going to see them face to face, but I decided to go as normal as possible because if somehow one of them liked me, it should be for the girl I really am, not someone I could pretend to be.

Kim Jongin was always my bias. He was perfect in my eyes, his way of dancing, the passion for food (which I also had), his perfect smile and funny side, his warm heart... I was so in love with him, just like any fan would be. But that day everything changed. I talked a little with them when they were singing my album and when I reached Kai I froze. I didn't know what to do, his stare was so intimidating that I couldn't even say "hello". He noticed and grabbed my hand when I was giving him my album. He looked at me in the eyes and smiled. "Don't be nervous girl, you are beautiful." He signed my album, gave it back to me and waved me goodbye.

I was so excited that I forgot to look at my album and read what the boys wrote. I kept talking with my friends over the phone about how handsome and nice they are were and how soft Kai's hands were. Before I went to bed I noticed some numbers in the cover of the album. It caught my attention so I read it just before turning the light off.

"Hi Y/N, I shouldn't be doing this because it's not fair for the other fans. But being honest if I don't, I know I will regret it later. You have something special and since the moment I saw you in the waiting line I couldn't take my eyes off you. Please call me one of these days. Love, Kim Jongin"

We've been dating secretly for 5 months now. Our relationship is the best thing that could ever had happened to me. Not just because he was my bias and I always dreamed of him, but because he was an extraordinary guy. I thought I kinda knew him, but I was so wrong. He showed me that side of him that not a lot of people were able to see. He trusted me and took care of me all the time. Even if he was busy.

He wanted to tell the world about us but their manages didn't let him. Not because they didn't want it, but it could be very risky. They wouldn't know how the other fans would react and I wasn't famous either, there would be many rumors and stuff like that.

But things weren't as perfect as they could be. Even when Jongin gave his all, we couldn't do a lot of things together because we couldn't go out very often and not to say to crowded places... that was impossible. I could endure it, but it made me sad sometimes. Jongin knew but he couldn't do much about it, he couldn't control everything.

It was 21:00 pm when he called me. He said he had an emergency and asked me to pick him up in the old Italian Restaurant. It was my favorite so I felt a little sad that he was there without me. I arrived after 15 minutes but he wasn't outside. I called him 4 times before going in and asking for him. The waitress nodded and took me to the Restaurant's garden. When I left the closed area behind and realized what was going on, I almost had a heart attack.

Jongin was there waiting for me in a tuxedo, standing next to a table with some candles on it. I notices that the trees around us were decorated with white lighst, just like a Christmas tree. There was a musical group, playing calm and romantic tunes. He smiled and came to my rescue before my knees got weak. He hugged me tightly and gave me a very long, sweet and deep kiss. There were some people in other tables watching us, but just when I was starting to feel really embarrassed, they all started to clap. I was surprised but when Jongin talked every noise disappeared. "Can you believe it? There are still some people that get excited when they see an act of real love"

My heart started to beat really fast. I'm sure Jonging could hear it. I tried to say something but I just managed to babble some words. "Don't be nervous, you deserve this and more" He took me to our table but when we reached it I stopped him before he grabbed my chair. "Kai.. why did you? This is too much.. I.. I don't deserve this". His face got serious, he looked deeply into my eyes and then kissed my forehead.

"Y/N... The secret is over. You are my girlfriend and I won't hide it anymore. You are the girl I chose and I'm not afraid of showing my love. You are the most amazing girl I've ever met and I'll give the world of you. Don't say again you don't deserve this. This is nothing compared to what I'm going to give you from now on. I'm going to take you to the stars and trust you my hear forever"

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