two: celebrate

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"My best friend," Blaine pats Sam's chest then raises a wine glass, "just won his third fight in a row! Give it up for the champ, folks!"

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"My best friend," Blaine pats Sam's chest then raises a wine glass, "just won his third fight in a row! Give it up for the champ, folks!"

Their group of friends erupts in cheers and whistles. "Evans! Evans! Evans!"

Sam has several acquaintances, but a couple close friends. There's, obviously, Blaine Anderson, with his gelled black hair, puppy eyes, gay ass bowties, triangular eyebrows, melodic voice, and cheerful attitude. Sam couldn't ask for a better friend.

Then there's Sam's mentor, Mr. Finn Hudson, who has stuck with Sam and helped shape him up to be the fighter that he is now. Finn, with his messy dark brown hair, freakishly tall height, permanently injured leg, lopsided grin, and a growing stubble, is the person that Sam idolizes and admires the most.

Then, moving onto Sam's other closest friend, Brittany Pierce. Everyone's convinced that they're secretly dating, but Sam has to gag at the thought because he really sees her as his sister. She's extremely alike to Sam in both looks and personality. With her long blonde hair, playful blue gaze, crazy dancing skills, and her own unique way of looking at the world, there really isn't much about Brittany that Sam couldn't like.

Finally, there's Noah Puckerman and Quinn Fabray. The two are a package deal. If someone wants to be friends with Puck, they have to get along with Quinn. If someone want's to be friends with Quinn, they have to get along with Puck. People have to get used to Quinn's short blonde curls, gorgeous hazel eyes, soft yet sass-filled voice, and an attitude bigger than Sam's lips. People also have to get used to Puck's strange, uncontrollable flirtatious smirk, perfectly combed brown hair, strong jaw, intense black eyes, and his obsession with playing his guitar. Puck is Finn's brother, but they have different last names because they have different fathers. It's about time the two get married already.

Sam loves each of his friends to death, and he has no idea what he'd do without them. There's  Finn's girlfriend, Rachel, that Sam isn't very close to, but he still respects her. Then there's Artie Abrams and his best friend, Tina Cohen-Chang and her boyfriend Mike Chang. Sam isn't very close with them, but he can have a nice, civil conversation with any of them.

There are several others in the crowd, but Sam's too swept up and distracted by Brittany jumping in front of him to notice them.

"Sammy, your third win! Three, like the number of vagina's I have!" The blonde dancer cheers, chugging on her wine bottle.

"Britt, as awesome as that is, I didn't really need to know that," Sam laughs before taking an offered wine bottle.

"Just admit it already, Evans!" Tina chuckles. "You and Brittany are totally hooking up. Like that friends with benefits shit."

Sam spits out his drink right in Puck's face. The poor guy grunts in annoyance and wipes his face. "Me? And Brittany? That's some of the funniest shit I've ever heard. Britt's like my sister, right? Besides, if we're talking friends with benefits, you should look at Blaine and Sebastian."

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