The Legend of the Black Bushman

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right can i just say its fuck knows oclock im drinkin irn bru while typing some  shit story about a guy met when i was younger so like fuck off you twat...

It was a borin ass day so i text my mate like oi wanna go to the mountains n just chill so hes like yea whatever we are gonna go shop first so i say ok ill get somethings too and in the shop we see this creepy ass man in a fuckin bush suit what the fuck ever its called it was like painted black and we buy shit and get change from the cashier so we go to the mountains and on the way we keep seeing this creepy ass bush person following us so we are oh shit we are being followed by bush dude we are gonna get fuckin killed so we freak out and end up hidin in trees when he starts screamin at this point im crying in fear and laughin my ass off at the same time so he sees us so we leg it until after awhile of runnin we are at a corner near a lake so there is nowhere to run off to and hes like mumblin to himself so we are like just leave us alone we dont want trouble he looks pissed off and power walks to us and he just looks at us and says at the shop you picked up my 50p change i was gonna ask for it back and guess what we fuckin laugh for weeks about it occasionally we would see black bushman and just say something about the 50p and he would just laugh and we thought we were gonna get shanked by a fucking bush no he just wants his money it was the best thing ever and i prolly fucked it cause its late and i have no sleep so fuck you 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2018 ⏰

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