Interview with the fabulous xxLivingtheLifexx!!

Start from the beginning

16) Finally... team Edward, team Jacob or team Twilight sucks?

Uhhhhh screw Twilight! I'm team Peeta!<3

Nice choice!

Finishing comment:

I hope that answers all you want to know!

Thanks for the interview(:

Absolutely no problem!

So there you have it folks! I loved doing this interview! I hope you enjoyed reading it! A big thank you to xxLivingtheLifexx for taking part and a huge thanks to YOU for reading this! Comment or drop us a message if you want to be interviewed or if you have a favourite author that you want to read an interview with! Peace out and rock on! :D


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Howdy world! This is Bethany speaking and I have just finished a interview with the fabulous xxLivingtheLifexx!! Very excited about this interview as she wrote 'My Werewolf Savior' which is amazing! So check it out! Enjoy!

1) How did you find Wattpad?

I was looking for a writing website and found Wattpad.

2) Your book 'My Werewolf Savior' is freaking awesome! How did you get inspiration for it?

Thank you! And umm I just wanted to write a werewolf story but have a twist to it.

3) Caiden (so cute) is one of my favourite characters EVER! How did you come up with his personality? Did you base him on anyone?

I like him too(: and he's not based off anyone. I came up with his personality from what his past was like.

4) Did you base any of your other characters on anyone?

Lia from 'The Alpha's Runaway Mate' is based off my friends because they are weird and crazy like her. Haha.

Haha, nice!

5) How did you come up with Sophia's character?

Same as Caiden. I just took what her past was like and made her reflect from it.

6) Do you like writing 'My Werewolf Savior'?

I love writing it! It is one of my books that I am determined to finish but right now I am having writer's block :/ I'm working on it though!

Oh no! I hope it goes away soon as it is fantastic! :D

7) Do you want to go into writing professionally or is it just a hobbie?

It's just a hobbie for me. But it would be cool to have one of my books published.

8) Who is your favourite Wattpad author?

kirsty1000. Her books are amazing and so is her talent!

9) Which Wattpad book do you love?

Free Falling by kirsty1000. Haha

10) Do you have any advice for anyone who is starting to write their own stories on wattpad?

You have to start somewhere so don't be afraid to put your work out there! The more practice you get, the better you get.

Couldn't agree more!

11) What is the weirdest thing that has ever happened to you?

I was out with my friends and this old couple came up to us and the lady said to her husband pointing at me, "Doesn't she look like Sandra Bullock?"

Wow! What a compliment!

12) What is your most embarrassing moment?

Falling face first on the dance floor at my Aunt's wedding. My mom wouldn't let me live it down for soooo long!

13) Who is your celebrity crush?

Jared Padalecki! <3 Love him!

14) Who is the most famous person you have ever met?

I can't think of anyone... awkward lol

15) Do you have any pet peeves?

I hate when people chew loud! Usually at dinner, I don't let anyone sit by me for that reason lol.

16) Finally... team Edward, team Jacob or team Twilight sucks?

Uhhhhh screw Twilight! I'm team Peeta!<3

Nice choice!

Finishing comment:

I hope that answers all you want to know!

Thanks for the interview(:

Absolutely no problem!

So there you have it folks! I loved doing this interview! I hope you enjoyed reading it! A big thank you to xxLivingtheLifexx for taking part and a huge thanks to YOU for reading this! Comment or drop us a message if you want to be interviewed or if you have a favourite author that you want to read an interview with! Peace out and rock on! :D

Interviews with Bethany :PWhere stories live. Discover now