Or then maybe she knew she made the same misake again, of trusting and expecting again. The same mistake twice done is impossibly the same reasons again.

She knew she made a mistake yet shook it off.

The next day she greeted him with so much happiness, it could kill a sad person. And he greeted with nothing but normality.

"Heyyy, so are we going out now?" She asked in a whisper, a cheeky grin plastered on her lips.

He looked at her funny, "What are you talking about?" He guffawed, leaving her speechless.

"Y-you.. you told me you love me in Facebook yesterday, you know- 143? You did, remember?" She tried.

"The hell? I didn't even go to Facebook yesterday, Kathrina." Now he was laughing hard, thinking this is all but a sick joke.

Her heart trembled along with her hands as she looked at him heart breakingly. There it was, the second strike and she got shot.

"Hahaa, Got'cha! I tricked you!" She faked laugh, sounding very unnatural. Her heart was breaking and her ribcage was falling apart, and the saddest part is that, he doesn't know.

"Phew, For a second there I thought it was real." He sighed with the smile she knew would kill her.

"Well, gotta go. See ya, Spade." And she ran away.

Aha! She knew it! She was tricked by Spade's friends, and she was devastated when she heard that. There she was, running.

That's the problem, fear. No, there was no fear. She was hurt, what an ugly word to use. The feeling sortof felt like hurt though it was much more.

So she ran away with tears in her eyes, blurring her vision. Trip and stumble, because that's how love tricks you.

After that worst case scenario, she kept her head high and didn't give up. Her third mistake, there it was. She kept talking to him, stalking him, noticing him and the further she get to falling for him.

It was Christmas, and she laughed silly of the idea of giving gifts and wasting money just for worldly objects. Oh, the irony.

She decided to buy an army navy themed wallet, packed with a pink christmas bag so it wouldn't be obvious. And she went to him while he was playing basketball.

"Hey, uhm, I have a gift for you, Spade." Kathrina smiled nervously after calling him out of his game.

He looked at her annoyed and asked "What?"

"Here!" She shoved her gift and replayed the scene where she thought she had him, and so she ran away in fear.

Run away, run away and never turn back.

The next day, she felt embarassed to go to school, afraid she'll get teased by. Her bestfriend came up to her that morning and said,

"Did you know what happened while you ran away?" she asked sadly, Delilah.

Kathrina shook her head and felt her necklace burn a pitch black.

"You ran away, and he did too." said she.

Turns out, it didn't end the way Kathrina expected it to be. She was expecting that he'll recieve her gift and confess to her too.

But in the end, he peeked on what's inside, and left the bag right there and continued playing his game with his laughing friends.

And the fourth mistake was so severe, it left her unable to speak. She cried herself to sleep, she blamed her friends, she blamed the sun even.

The days went by, she heard the rumors that broke her heart. That he and one of her childhood friend got together, so sweet, so bitter.

She traced her outlined necklace which turned bitter brown, a caramel color that didn't mean anything to her. She wanted to dissolve.

And the last mistake she did, was look at his Facebook at night, everyday gaining a hole on her heart to see how happy he was with his new girl.

Every day her heart began to be inflated, black and bruised. Even in summer he found a way to make her feel okay, just a single 'hello' on the chatbox. Just a smile on his picture.

She was crazy and mad for this boy, so mad that she didn't know what she was doing anymore until the next year.

Then she met him, the only boy who tried to save her on the verge of that depressing moments. Her friends were great help too but they can't unbreak her heart.

He was there, and she fell inlove twice, telling her first love story a billion times, never getting old and making her smile.

And she forgot, her best mistake.


hope you like the late update, let's keep things personal shall we? haha :) thank you.

xoxo, A.


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