Part 5: Savior

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I'm back with another update for y'all! One of the characters will be WAY OOC. It may/may not shock you but enjoy! :D

Dawn's POV

Kenny had picked me up from my house and we were in Viridian City having dinner. We caught up on a few things here and there and it felt great talking to him again.

"Wow Kenny, it's amazing that you're now the head director of Pokémon Contests." I smiled.

"Thanks. How about you Miss Top Coordinator? Thinking of going back to it?" He asked me.

"Maybe not right now. I mean my wedding planner job is so fun because I get to organize and plan out all the decorations and stuff. I really enjoy it."

"I see." He said.

Our food was handed to us and I began eating. I then had this weird feeling that I was being watched... but, I realized that the feeling was real. Kenny didn't touch his food at all and he was just staring at me from across the table. It wasn't a concerned look or an "it's great to see you again" look, it was the kind of look that made him seem... stalker like.

I put down my spoon and looked up at him, "Kenny? Is everything.. okay?" I asked.

"Hm? Oh, yeah. It's just.. you've gotten a lot more.. beautiful the last time I saw you Dawn." He smiled as he finally picked up his fork and started eating his food.

"Oh.. thank you, Kenny." I said shyly. There was something about the way he said those words that made me uncomfortable.. it wasn't the way you'd hear how other guys say it when they're flirting with you. It was more in a way.. of someone with bad intentions.

I shook my head and thought that maybe he's just being nice. This was Kenny after all.


"Thanks for dinner, Kenny. It was amazing." I smiled as we both walked down the streets of Viridian.

"No problem, Dawn." He said.

"Um.. where did you park the car by the way?" I asked him.

"I had to park it all the way down since it was crowded up front. So we'll have to walk from here."

"Oh.. okay.." I said.

It was 9pm and there were barely any people on the streets. I started feeling uneasy as if something was about to happen. "Kenny.. I feel uncomfortable." I told him.

"No need to worry, Dawn. That's why I'm here." He said as he faced towards me. I stared up at him and noticed him leaning towards me. I realized what he was doing and moved away from him, "we should really get going. I need to get some rest for tomorrow because I'm meeting with my client." I said as I continued walking.

Just then I felt a pull on my arm and got dragged into a nearby alleyway. I was pushed up against the wall of the alleyway and looked up to see Kenny staring at me. "K-Kenny! W-What are you doing!?" I shouted.

"Shh.. Just hush baby girl.." he said as he started trailing light kisses down my neck. I tried to push him away but he locked my hands above my head. "Kenny please.. stop this.." I said.

"I'm crazy for you Dawn.." He said as he used one hand to hold both my wrists and used the other to slide towards the bottom of my dress and under. "Kenny please!! Let go of me!!" I shouted.

"You won't be wanting me to let go soon.." he smirked as his hand slowly made its way under my dress. "Kenny.. please.." I cried. He began kissing my neck again and I cried even louder. I didn't want this at all. Who is this? This isn't Kenny.. Kenny would never do this to me..

I cried over and over as he rubbed his hands up and down my exposed leg and started to make his way down to my chest. I felt myself giving up hope.. I shut my eyes closed.. preparing for the worse..






I opened my eyes to see someone with auburn hair calling out to me. I looked to the side to see blue and red flashing lights and someone being put into a car. "Thank goodness you're alright.." I looked up and realized the person calling out to me was Ash. "Ash.." I said.

"I heard you shouting when I walked out from one of the markets and ran to find you. I saw what Kenny was about to do and pulled him off of you then called the cops." He said.

"Ash.. I.." I didn't know what to say. I was at a loss for words. Kenny had tried to rape me but, Ash came right on time to save me.

"Dawn.. I'm so glad you're okay." He said as he pulled me into a hug. I didn't say anything, instead I just hugged him back. I felt.. safe in his arms.

Woo! How'd you like this chapter? Were you shocked? Update ya again soon!

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