"I can't just leave her!"

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   Jugheads POV:

   As me and the serpents are speeding toward the Ghoulies hang out I see a beautiful young girl struggling to get away from a drunk fuck Ghoulie. After the man notices us he lets her fall to the ground. I can tell she isn't a Ghoulie because she did not have a jacket on and she seemed far to innocent to be one. As the serpents all come to a stop we everyone surrounded the place except for my best friend Toni Topaz. I guess she saw what happened to the girl and went to go help her. I make my way through the back with a couple of other serpents. While Fangs, Sweet Pea, and the rest go through the front. As I'm crouched down on the ground I listen in on the conversation happening inside. I hear Malachi and another Ghoulie talking. "Shit! They know we are here" I inform the serpents I'm with. I continue to listen in.
   "Go through the front with your gun and distract them. I'm gonna go through the back with a few others and get the trucks. Aim to wound not to kill...that's my job." Malachi informs the Ghoulie. I hear footsteps coming toward the door. I get ready for whoever decides go to the back. One the door flies open I bounce up from my spot and give  Malachi a nice punch in the face while the 2 other serpents with me starts to beat up the Ghoulie that followed behind him. We stop when we hear gunshots. I sprint toward the front to see Toni behind a tree with the girl we saw, serpents hiding behind their bikes, and sweet pea sneaking behind the guy, tackling him to the ground while knocking the gun out of his hand. Sweet pea soon gets on top of the Ghoulie punching him in the face. After the guy in no longer conscious 3 trucks emerge from the back going at crazy speeds.
   "EVERYONE HEAD BACK" I scream as serpents start to file out I notice that Toni has not left from her place behind the tree. "Toni GO!" I scream at her while I run to my bike.
   "Jughead I cant just leave her here!" Toni yells back. I then glance down at the girl in her lap who seems unconscious.
   "I will take care of her you go now!" She gently lays her down on the ground as I run Toward the two of them. I glance to my left still running and a see a truck going full speed toward me and another toward Toni and the girl lying on the ground. "Toni run!" I scream at the top of my lungs. Toni heads two red the woods forgetting all about her bike and and both trucks soon follows her. Into the woods until 1 hits a tree and the other follows by running right into the others rear. I gently pick up the unconscious girl bridal style and run for the woods following Toni.

   Betty's POV:

   As I slowly start to regain consciousness I feel a pair of strong arms holding me. Afraid it's the drunk ghoulie I throw my fist up to meet someone's cheek.
   "Shit!" I hear the person say at they drop me to the ground. I glance up to not see the Ghoulie but instead I see a   really nice looking guy holding his cheek in pain. I instantly regretted what I did seeing how he was not trying to hurt me.
   "Oh my god I'm so sorry! I thought you where someone else and it just happened. I'm so so so sorry." I continue until he cuts me off.
   "Well next time just let me know your awake instead of punching me in the face" he says glancing down at me no longer holding his face. We soon get lost in each others eyes until I break the silence.
   "Your not gonna try and kill me are you?" I ask my eyes now lookin at the ground.
   "Trust me if I wanted you dead I would have just left you with the Ghoulies." When he says this I sty to get up instantly regretting as a shock of pain shoots through my ankle and I fall to the ground wincing and holding my ankle. "Fuck are you ok?" He says eyeing my swollen ankle. I watch him with curiosity as he picks me up once more. I don't know why but all of a sudden I feel safe and secure. The thoughts of why I feel this way floats around my head as I fall asleep on his chest.

   Ok so I have a question! Do you guys want me to continue this story??? If so do you want longer chapters but they come out slower or shorter chapters that come out faster??? PLEASE let me know! Thanks😊😊

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