Just a Sickness?

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Draco's P.O.V.

I arrive home from work to hear no noise. That's strange. I check my watch and it's only 8:00 p.m. Normally they're playing some muggle game like monopoly or clue. I check their rooms and nothing. I go into full panic mode. I search the house and find them in my  bedroom. I let out a sigh of relief. "Dad! What do we do?" Albus asked me. I was confused until I saw Harry. He was unconscious and looked paler than normal. 

I run to his side and hold him in my arms. "What's wrong with papa?" Lily asked through tears. I felt his forehead and he was burning up. "How long has he been like this?" I asked, my voice filled with worry. "We were playing and he started coughing." Scorp started. "He told us not to worry and we continued the game." James then said, "Then he started to cough again, but this time he was coughing up blood and passed out." "Please tell us that papa will be alright," Lily said, her eyes filling with tears. Scorp held her close in a comforting hug while I examined the dried blood on Harry's face.

I began panicking again. "Use the phone to contact Ron and Hermione to come and watch you." I said after a minute or two. Albus nodded and ran out of the room to the kitchen where we kept the muggle phone for emergencies. I pressed my ear to Harry's chest. His heart beat was fine but his breathing sounded as if he was struggling. That can't be anything good. "They said they'll be here soon." Albus said as he burst back into the room. I lifted Harry into my arms and rested him on our bed. "What's wrong with Harry?" Hermione asked as she burst into the room. Her voice was filled with worry.

"Papa was coughing up blood." Lily said as she ran to Hermione and hugged her legs tightly. "We came as quick as we could!" A worried Ron yelled as he too burst in. I was on the verge of tears. I couldn't lose Harry. Not like this. Hermione examined Harry and said, "He must have an infection in his lungs of some sort. He isn't breathing properly. We need to get him to St. Mungo's immediately!" "Can we come please daddy?" James begged. I looked at his face and couldn't say no. "Let's go."   

At St. Mungo's

I paced back and forth waiting to hear about Harry's condition. "What could be wrong with  him?" I thought. "We haven't gone anywhere that could've caused and infection. Have we?" Then I remembered our family vacation last week. We went to a secluded beach. "What went wrong there?" I pondered. It clicked in my head. Harry got an infection when he cut his hand on the coral. "What does that have to do with anything?" My mind questioned. I decided to sit in a chair next to my children and try to remember everything that happened.

After the coral incident he got a slight fever. Nothing too serious. Maybe his immune system is just weak from that. "But still, why is he coughing up blood?" I asked myself. "Could it have something to do with his lung?" I thought. No. That was ages ago. He recovered from that attack months ago. Maybe his right lung is just acting up like the healer said it would. She never mentioned coughing up blood though. "What is wrong?" I thought again. I can't figure it out. Maybe he has... No... He can't possibly have lung cancer. Could he?

"Mr Malfoy- Potter?" I turned my attention to the lady standing in front of me. "How's Harry?" I asked, my voice filled with worry and dread. "Harry is okay for the moment. After examining him we know what is wrong." "Spit it out then!" I didn't mean to sound so harsh but I needed to know. "He has an infection in his right lung causing excess fluid to enter it and cause him to cough up blood. Good thing you brought him here when you did. Another day and he would've gotten lung cancer." I gave a small sigh of relief now knowing that he doesn't have lung cancer. "Can we see him?" I asked. She gave a nod and I motioned to my children to follow me.

Once we arrived at his room all the children shouted, "Papa!" The ran to his sides and hugged him, their filling with tears. That probably wasn't such a good idea since he started coughing right after. I then went and kneeled by his side. I intertwined our fingers and squeezed his hand. "I'm sorry Draco." Harry said, looking into my eyes. "Shh. It's not your fault. I should've taken better care of you." I replied. "Are you going to get better?" Scorp asked while looking at some scans that the doctor did. "Of course Scorp. I'm not going to leave any you." Harry replied. For the first time since I came home to find Harry unconscious, I smiled. Soon after we were all smiling like idiots. 

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