Screens {Part One}

Start from the beginning

Minho: look its barely even light outside

Minho: pls answer

Minho: I miss u

Minho: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Minho: newtttt

Newt looked at the time on the messages and saw that the most recent one was sent just a few minutes ago. He quickly typed up a response.

Newt: Hi! Sorry, my mum wanted to spend time with me, this evening. Are you still bored?

Minho: ur alive!

Minho: and yea still bored. Want to video call ?

Newt: I look like rubbish right now

Minho: thats what u always say. and we established that u never look bad ever so im calling now

A moment later, Newt's phone was buzzing and displaying that Minho was video calling. Newt ran his fingers through his hair to refluff it, then accepted the call.

Minho greeted him with a bright smile, which Newt returned instantly. Then Minho's smile faded into a pout.

"I've missed you," he complained.

"I've missed you, too," Newt agreed, keeping his voice low enough that his mother wouldn't hear him.

"Even though we video called for six hours yesterday, it doesn't feel like it, does it?Speaking of which, you look tired. Didn't you get some sleep, after that?"

Newt shrugged. "I had to work morning shift and day shift."

"Babe," Minho started, in a fake scolding voice, "You have to sleep."

"But I'm talking to you."

"I'll hang up right now, then."

"No, you won't."

Minho sighed. "You're right, I won't. I'm too selfish, I guess."

Newt laughed at him.

"But really," Minho insisted, "When we're done talking, go right to sleep. Good that?"

"Good that."

Minho leaned his phone against something, then rested his elbows on the table, his head in his hands, causing his cheeks to squish up in a way that Newt found unbearably adorable.
"I love you," he said, absentmindedly.

Minho beamed, making it obvious that those three words hadn't lost any of their meaning, even after being exchanged between the two boys for over a year.
"I love you, too."

The pair went on just staring at each other for a bit, lovesick and comfortable in the silence that they created.

Eventually, Minho spoke as he adjusted to a more comfortable position.
"So, when are you coming to South Korea."

Newt jokingly rolled his eyes. Minho asked him that question every time that they spoke; it had become a tradition.
"Soon," came Newt's usual answer, "I hope."

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