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Skylar's POV

Yes!!! I was in the MUSIC!!! I made it!! I'm going to be so famous!!

"Congrats, Sky!"

M'y lab partner, Alexia just congratulated me. She was mean with me for my whole life. She is the most popular girl in the entire school.

And I was a total dork.

"You know, if the judges liked wierd and awful voice, I would have croaked on stage."

She wasn't kind to me after all.

"Leave her alone!" my brother Damon came in, protecting me.

Or that's he said. He said he protects me by making me look more like a scaredy cat.

"I'm sorry, Damon. I was just trying to kid her. That's all. I was befriending her!" Alexia laughed uncomfortably.

I smirked at her. I heard things that she had a secret, yet big crush on my brother.

Damon gave her a death glare.

She quickly ran out of the theatre.

"Congrats, Sky! You did a great job!" He beamed at me.

"Thanks Damon! You're my best brother ever."

"Silly little Skylar sis, I am your only brother."

"Come on!"

Then Sere tapped my shoulder and motioned me to come.

Kenna's POV(for the book's sake, skip a few days)

I stuff in any clothes I could find in my suitcase, ready to go for the MUSIC vocal training. It'll be held something like in a camping.(BTW, its something like CAMP ROCK)

Soon, the bus that'll take us to the camp pulled up in front of my yard.

I bit my lip. I don't think I can do this. Maybe I should tell Mr.Higgins to cancel my name for the contestant list.

I was hesitating. I've never hesitated in my life.

The driver gave a long honk, motioning me to come up the bus at once.

I sighed and walked up the bus and sat down in one of the empty seats.

About 2 turns of streets later, a boy just about my age walked over to me and asked if he could sit beside me.

I smiled at him and replied warmly.

"Sure, you can. By the way I'm Kenna Woods. You are?"

He blurted his name out as he sat down,  "I'm Zayn Malik. And you are georgeous!"

I felt a sudden string of chill ran down my spines.

"Ex-excuse me?"I asked him really surprised.

"No, no, no. I just meant you are- I mean you were- err you look- err I meant it was very kind of you to let me have the seat." He was stammering.

"Oh……" I felt a bit disappointed. Why didn't he repeat his word georgeous?

I took a glance at him. He eyes were chocolate brown, shining brightly, his dark hair holded up in a small quiff, and his lips. They seem so tender and delicious.

"Do you want to kiss me?"

He caught me looking at his lips.

"Shut up! I'd never! I'm just looking because er-er-er, because, they are dry and I was planning to give you an advice! That's all!" I giggled nervously.

"Babe, don't try to lie me. I know that you wanted to kiss me. And my lips aren't dry at all. I'm sure you're lusting." He put on a smirk.

"Shut the fuck up, pervert! And don't call me babe. You are the only one around that's lusting."

I kicked directly at his treasured area.

I quickly walked away to another empty seat.

I can't put up with him until my friends climb up this bus!

I plugged my earbuds into my ears and started to listen to our latest songs.

Zayn's POV

I glanced at her while she was humming a tune. She still seems angry.

Maybe I said too much.

That was really idiotic of me.

My eyes soon moved from her face to her lower neckline. Her shirt was revealing her cleavage. It was making me drool. My eyes moved again to her legs. She wore tight denim shorts, which was obviously revealing her legs, made me drool more and more. My eyes moved back to her face. It was slightly tanned and she had a few freckles on her face. Her lips were soft pink and it is so irresistable. I wanted to kiss her endlessly. Maybe she was right. I am feeling lust. 

The bus pulled up again, in front of a terrace.

A beautiful redhead hopped on.

"Hey Ken!!" she yelled out in a sweet voice.

"Thank God, Maple. I canct imagine one more moment without one of you girls. A deviant was disturbing me!"

Kenna turned around and shot a glare at me...…………… Damn…… because of my silly mouth, I would never have a chance to date her.

They went to Kenna's seat and continued chating. I don't think Kenna even noticed me staring her.

I just have to wait for my mates to come. I don't want to spend more moments alone. Without a girl, without friends, and without music.

As soon as I'm done with MUSIC, I'm going to kill Doniya for snatching my I-pod.

About 10 minutes later, the bus pulled up again. This time, in front of my bandmate Niall's bungalow.

He came up rushing. His suitcase clanged all way.

"Haz! I'm here!"

"Ni!! Need help?"

"Neh! I can do it meself."

He sat down beside me.

Before he blocked my view, I glanced at Kenna.

She was looking at me too. In no time, our eyes met. She blushed. I felt moths(just to be manly) swarming across my stomach and the lights igniting inside me.

What was that feeling? Am I really in love with her?

Sorry. This chap sucks. Can do no more. Too tired as its 5:15.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2014 ⏰

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