“Seriously? Whoever is hiding behind there better come out or I will go out there and find you, I swear to God.” I said aloud and stared. I saw an eye in the leaves, then it was followed by a wand, then a head, then a body.

George Weasley?!

“What are you doing here?” He asked, putting his wand down. He doesn’t know I'm Emma, does he? I quickly held both my arms behind my back and stepped down from the stump.

“What do you mean?” I asked cautiously, as we started to circle each other.

“Why aren’t you at the school, and why do you have a giant knife?” He asked, walking up to me. I stepped back every time he took a step forward, and it kept going like that until I stumbled into a tree, the tip of the knife stabbing into my left forearm. Okay, that hurts. I can’t move, if I move forward he would catch me, I can’t move backwards because there is a tree, I looked around and when my eyes landed back on George he was right in front of me.

“What are you doing here?” I asked nervously.

“You didn’t answer my question.” He said, looking straight into my eyes. Staring with contacts hurt, which I stupidly did. My eyes started to water and I wiped them away with my right hand- the one with the knife in.

“Rose!” He said when he noticed that there was a dark greeny red goo at the tip of the knife. Magical tattoo ink mixed with pure evil blood, not a nice combination. 

“What?” I asked, relieved that the pain was gone. I had to check my Dark Mark, it felt weird. Not the type where Voldemort was calling me or he was going to come to me, it felt… Different, like it was getting weaker by the minute.

“What is that?” He asked, pointing at the goo with his wand.

“Please, George. Leave.” I said, kind of annoyed. He didn’t move. “Seriously, go George before I do something I will regret.” I said slowly. He backed away a few steps and folded his arms over his chest.

“Nope, not until you tell me what’s going on.” He said stubbornly. I know he just got here, but he is really getting on my nerves.

“Damn it George!” I yelled, sighing heavily. “You know what? Fine! Just fine. But don’t- don’t run off and call for someone.” I said and slowly walked sideways to the stump so he wouldn’t see my back. He nodded and stood back at the tree that I was at previously. I stood up on the stump once again and raised my left and right hand, not showing the Dark Mark to George. He gasped and started to run at me, but it was too late; the blade sliced through my skin, muscle and bone with a nice line. I dropped the knife and screamed at the top of my lungs.

“Why did you do that Rose? Oh my god!” George screamed, horror struck.

“That! That little piece of shit!” I screeched, pointing at the severed, bloody hand that was lying on the ground. But it was facing down, so you couldn’t see the Mark. I groaned and kicked it over, revealing the Mark. He screamed and stared at it disbelievingly.

“You cut your whole arm off, because of that?” He asked, stepping away from the arm.

“Yes! You know how much my life sucked when I got that? I’ve had that since I was five, George! Imagine the pain that I had to go through to make my family proud!” I yelled, looking at him.  “Don’t stand there, I'm literally bleeding to death!”

“Oh my God, Oh my God.” He repeated, grabbing his hair and looking from the arm to me. I groaned and pulled my shirt off and tied it around the arm stump. I watched the arm tattoo as it was slithering around, then finally, it slowly faded. But there was a horrible looking black scar in its place.

”It’s done. It’s finally, gone.” I huffed out, clutching onto my left elbow.

“You- You…” George trailed off. I sighed and looked at him.

“I'm Emma, George. I'm not Rose, I'm Emma Darlington.” I said.

“You’re- Emma? Why did you- how did you- What?” He asked, totally confused. I sat down on the stump and started to explain everything- from the first time I got my Dark Mark and to now. He was pacing up and down, stopping once and a while to watch me, frowning. When I was done I took a deep breath and exhaled.

“So, you cut your arm off, because you didn’t want to be a deatheater anymore? You want to be good?” He asked, sitting down in front of me. I nodded and looked around. “Why aren’t you attacking me right now?” He asked. I groaned and rubbed my temples, with my one hand.

“I just told you why, I don’t want to attack you, or anyone to be honest.” I replied, looking at my arm. I know what I should do with that…


George took the arm- unwillingly may I add- and the note that I attached to it and ran all the way to Hogwarts, it’s not that far so. I promised to meet him here at 12pm with the students. If they come, that is. I Dissaperated to the Manor and pretended to get splinched, so Narcissa wouldn’t think I cut my arm off.

“Ow, Oh no!” I said unenthusiastically. I looked around and saw no one. I sighed and walked into the living room; no one was there; I looked in the kitchen; no one was there; I checked the bedrooms, the bathrooms, the library and the backyard, but no one was there. I walked into the dining room and wow! No one was there. Where is everyone? Well, Draco is at school- sucks to be him- Lucius is in Azkaban- finally- and I have no idea where Narcissa is, or Bellatrix, or anyone. Sigh. I walked up to my room and changed into some comfy clothes before taking Draco’s broomstick and flying to the magic hospital that I forgot its name.


After making some excuse and the doctor wrapping up my injury, I left the place and flew back to the Manor.

Now, this is where the real drama begins, because look who’s here! Draco, Narcissa, Greyback, Bellatrix, Nagini and the one and only- Voldemort.


OMG! I'm so sorry I haven’t updated! I just feel like I don’t want to continue this story, but I will, so it’s okay. I'm running out of ideas and I literally just threw these things in. It’s a really bad chapter and I hope that it’s long enough! I have no idea why I cut her arm off, I just did because there wasn’t anything else to do so… Don’t hate me?

Kiss, Kiss,


PS. I’ll try and update as soon as I can!

Emma Darlington - Series Two (HP6FF) / DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now