Chapter Four

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After a week of nonstop eating, I was finally up to a suitable weight. Now all I have to do is, according to Narcissa, is to change my attitude. There’s nothing wrong with my attitude, the bit- ohkay, now I see it…

“Alright, what do we do then?” I asked Narcissa as she led me in her backyard. She sat me down on a stone bench and stood a metre away from me, holding her wand.

“I’m going to teach you on how to be a lady, and to have good manners,” She said smiling faintly. I rolled my eyes at her. Just then, out of nowhere she casted ‘Expelliarmus’ at me. Luckily it wasn’t a powerful spell, so I just fell back off the bench and landed on my back.

“Ouch! What the Fu- heck did you do that for?” I yelled, staggering to get up.

“Rolling your eyes was unnecessary and unlady-like.” She said, lowering her wand to her side. “But good for you for not swearing!” She added gleefully. I smiled sarcastically and sat back down on the bench, rubbing my neck.

“That hurt, you know.” I said pouting. She just shrugged her shoulders, and continued to talk.

“Rule 1; No unnecessary comments or actions -you rolled your eyes at me- that was unnecessary,” She said and looked at me sternly. I didn’t really know what to do, rolling my eyes was one thing that I did all the time, and now I’m supposed to stop it just like that? “Rule 2; when you’re sitting, or standing, you will need to keep good posture and your hands must be on your sides or in your lap.” She continued, pacing around slowly. I straightened my back, crossed my legs and folded my hand neatly in my lap. Geez, this is going to need some getting used to. Narcissa must have noticed my posture, because she said, “Good posture.” I smiled at myself.

“Rule 3; manners. You need to be polite to people, speak only when you’re spoken to, and let others have opinions. But, you also can’t let anyone walk all over you- that’s a no-no.” She said. I made mental notes as she went along; no unnecessary comments, posture, manners. 

“Is that all?” I asked politely, smiling. I’m so good at acting. She smiled and nodded her head.

“I think you’re ready.”  She said quietly. “But, you will need to past the test,” She added mischievously. 

I shrugged my shoulders. “Bring it on.”


Narcissa took me to Diagon Alley the following weekend to get Hogwarts books, robes, quills, parchment, ink bottles etc… It was actually pretty fun. But we had to get me a new wand because the old one was too tattered and old. As we turned the corner to Ollivanders it was all burnt to the ground.

“Oh yeah, deatheaters…” I said casually to Narcissa, licking my ice cream. I shrugged and walked in anyway, picking as many wands as I can, finding the right one.

When we finally found ‘the one’, we left the shop and dissaperated back to the Manor with all our shopping. Narcissa ran upstairs with the shopping, knocking me over causing my ice cream to drop on the ground.

“Narcissa! Why would you do that? That was my ice cream… No...!” I shrieked, getting all dramatic and falling with it. Cissy rolled her eyes and pulled me up from the ground.

“Come off it Emma, come on! We have to get you ready.” She said and pushed me up the stairs, leaving my ice cream to melt, all alone, in the freezing cold… I quickly forgot about it as I changed into my Hogwarts robes. We bought new ones because who knows where my old ones are- they could be on their way to America for all I know. Narcissa forced me into them, gave me my new wand (Maple with unicorn core, 14 and a half inches, surprisingly swishy), and made me carry all my books. I just dropped everything, seeing as I don’t have any muscles.

“Remember that test I mentioned to you, a couple days ago?” She asked, helping me pick up the books I thrown on the floor. I nodded my head. “Mmmm,” I mumbled.

“Right then!” She clapped her hands, dropped all the books and opened up the bedroom door wide open. Leaving me with all these stupid, useless books, she left the room. 

“Alright then.” I said aloud, a little offended that she just left this mess. I decided to leave it; she can clean it up. I smiled to myself as I stood up straight and slouched over to the bed and collapsing on it. After about 5 minutes if lying there, Narcissa finally entered the room, with Bellatrix Lestrange, Fenrir Greyback, and some other deatheaters that no one bothered to name.

“What's this?” I asked lazily, not bothering to sit up.

“You failing already,” Narcissa said sadly. “Expelliarmus!” And I got shot back; hit my head on the headboard and fell off the bed with a thud.  I mumbled a couple of bad words, luckily for me, no one heard me. I rubbed the top of my head and struggled to get up.

“Ouch… Alright! I'm bloody up… Holy shit…” I said the last two words quietly, so she wouldn’t almost kill me again. I stood up straight and walked over to the love seat that was in the corner of the room and sat down, crossing my legs, hands in my lap and my back straight. I sighed and plastered a huge fake smile on my face, painfully, may I add. Narcissa smiled and Bellatrix just glared at me, enjoying my pain. 

“What do I do?” I asked Narcissa, still smiling painfully. She just stared at me, as if telling me to improvise. Dammit.

“Fine… Bellatrix, Fenrir! Soooo glad you two could, accompany, me on this fine, er, whatever day it is.” I said warmly, standing up to let them sit down. Fenrir grunted and Bellatrix scowled, but at least they sat down. I turned to the other two deatheaters, but they left, no words spoken out of them. “Okay then!” I said cheerfully.

“Um so, Bella, how are things? Oh and Fenrir, great uh, fur, you got there- on your- everywhere.” I started to make small talk, because that’s what people do, right? They didn’t do anything, no response, as if I wasn’t there, trying to talk to them. “Oh come on Narcissa. This is stupid, just let me go to Hogwarts and I can figure everything out there, okay?” I asked, looking hopelessly at Fenrir and Bellatrix. Narcissa sighed.

“Well, I suppose so-”

“Yes! Thanks Cissy!” I said and skipped over to her, hugged her and skipped out of the room and down the stairs into the lounge room. I just realised how cold it is in here. I lit the fire with my wand and sat in front of it, warming up. A few minutes later I checked the calendar to check what the date was; 6th November. Whoa, time really does fly by in a blink of an eye. 

I walked over to the long mirror that was in the foyer. I looked like a 12 year old girl. I was so small… I couldn’t believe it. But the Hogwarts robes make me look older and bigger, which is good. I saw Narcissa come down the stairs in the mirror, smiling at me. I smiled back and watched her go into the kitchen. I guess, this is my family now. Forever and always.


Hey! Sorry about the lack of updates, there’s a lot going on in life right now, I hope you understand. 

Update tomorrow! Probably… 

Kiss, Kiss, ~Hallows

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