I a l w a y s w i s h e d

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I always wished to have someone that holds my hand
Assures me safety,
Miss me madly
Make me feel like the fairytale dreams
But the more i grew , the more I expected the more I got hurt.
And that's not because there lay a miss perfection either in me or them
But because of a fact, that the more we desire for a thing the more it gets far away from us.
We always crave for a thing that we don't have ,
While in doing so we really underestimate the real gems we have around in our genuine life
The world is full of desires but
How is it? If we start living happily with the things we already have in our world.
We are the beauty of our lives,
If we waste time in searching for beauty in others than how could we be ever able to untwine the spark and shine in our own selves.

•cherish your life and remember that you are the most beautiful person to your own soul •

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