Chapter 1

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War doesn't determine who's right, but who's left ~ Bertrand Russell

Gunshots fired in his ears. The stench of mud and sweat was all that filled his nostrils. Stephen looked around the trench for his friend. The only thing that gave him hope, something to fight for.

He had nothing left to go back to once the war was over. His parents were dead and his eldest brother, Jasper, passed away during the first stages of the war. The only living relative was his sister, Cecilia. But she was happily married with her first child, and Stephen didn't feel the need to impose.

Yet Stephen found the urge to live through EJ. He thought of EJ as being a little too fragile and sensitive and didn't think he could handle himself on his own if Stephen died.

His eyes met EJ's. As if knowing what he was thinking, EJ gave a small nod and started to crawl his way over to Stephen.

"Still in one piece, Steve? " EJ commented once he reached him. Stephen let out weak laugh, "It will take a lot more then digging in trenches and being shot at, to kill me ,E."

EJ let out a sigh of exhaustion, "I wouldn't say digging trenches for two days is an effort." He joked. Stephen smiled, it was an exhausted one but a smile all the same. EJ was good at that, making one smile through a storm (or in his case, a war).

EJ noted his tiredness and gave a sympathic smile, "It's almost over, Steve. The war won't last much longer. "

"How do you know? " Stephen asked, wanting so desperately to believe it was true. "I can feel it. " EJ replied.

A bomb exploded near their trench. Close, too close. Dirt flew into the trench and the men shielded their faces as it fell on their helmets.

Stephen looked to EJ, 'Are you alright?' he asked with his eyes. EJ nodded and grabbed Stephen's sleeve, surprising him.

"Listen, Steve. If I don't make it out of this war alive, just now that I-" EJ didn't have a chance to finish before another bomb landed, more dirt flew.

"Forget covering your ears! Your eyes are your most vital instrument. When the dirt flies, shield your eyes! "
He recalled his commander's instructions and did exactly that.

That was another close call. Fear ran through his body. Would he die today? Had he come this far in the war just to be killed in what was possibly the last war?

EJ grabbed his sleeve to get his attention again, "Come on, Steve. Focus! We're gonna get you out alive. You're not dying, not on my watch."

Stephen nodded and began to focus once more. Then he remembered EJ still had something to tell him, "EJ..."
EJ looked at him knowing what he wanted to ask, "When this is all over, Steve, you're welcome to go to my town."

Stephen looked at him amazed. He had shared his misfortune with EJ but he did not expect this. "Really EJ, that's..."

EJ's attention was suddenly elsewhere, Stephen remembered that for a split second, EJ looked back into his eyes with desperation, at first Stephen thought it was for EJ, himself, later he realized it was for him.

Then all Stephen remembered was EJ covering his body with his as another bomb went off. This time rocks and dirt flew and all Stephen felt and saw was darkness.

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