Chapter 5

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War kills the wrong people

The whistle of the train blew loudly, startling Stephen as he awoke. Both anticipation and dread filled his body as he stepped off the train.

He watched as other soldiers got off and ran to their loved ones. Hugging them tight and unashamedly letting the tears run.
Stephen felt great sadness as he realise no one would be there to greet him. No one, other then Cecilia, had survived the war.

He decided to walk to the nearest Motel to bury himself in thought. Battleboro Motel was moderately big but when he stepped inside, he was surprised to find it quiet and empty.
Until he noticed a old man at the front desk, snoring. His hat covering his face and his legs on desk.

Stephen cleared his throat. The man roused but did not awaken. Stephen banged his hand against the desk, which caused him to jump alert. "Welcome to Battleboro Motel, where your comfort is our priority."

Stephen leaned in and whispered, "Wife make you say that? " The old man looked around, leaned in and whispered, "Makes me repeat it everyday. " he then scoffs, "I tell you, if I didn't love her so much, I'd have kicked out the bugger years ago."

"Kicked out what bugger? " called out a voice from another room behind the desk. The man rolled his eyes, but in a sweet voice said, "Nothing to concern your pretty little head over, sweetheart. " The man shook his head, "Crazy one. " then he placed his hat properly on his head before saying, "Now gentleman, what can I do for you."

"Well I'd like to get a room. " Stephen said, "I mean that is what a Motel is for, isn't it. "
The man pulled a stern look, "Don't act smart with me, young man. Where you from anyway? "

"I originally came from Minnesota but recently I've been fighting in the war." Before the old man could react, an old women walked in with a surprise look on her face, "A soldier? From the war? "

"Yes ma'am. " Stephen replied, tipping his hat lightly in greeting. Respect shone in the couples eyes. "Why would you come all the way here from the war. " the man asked, his wife jabbed him in the arm lightly and hissed, "Aaron, you know better then to ask such an insensitive question! "

Stephen smiled kindly, "It's quite alright, ma'am. I'm afraid, sir, that the war had taken too many of my loved ones. "

The couple smiled sympathicly before the women nudged her husband. "Don't just stand there, Aaron. Show him to a room! " she commanded, before smiling at Stephen, "You hungry dear? Lunch will be ready in an  hour. "

Stephen smiled, "Starving ma'am." He then remembered his manners, "My name's Stephen Knight. " he introduced, tipping his hat.

"The name's Aaron Shepherd. And this is my wife, Jenny Shepherd. " The women smiled and curtsied, "It's an honour to meet you, Mr Knight. "

"Oh please call me, Stephen. " he answered. "Then you must call me Aaron. " the man agreed.
"Not me, "the women interrupted, "You can call me, Mrs Shepherd. "
Stephen laughed, "As you wish, Mrs Shepherd. "

Stephen felt his spirits lift a little as Aaron lead him to a room and gave him a key, "Be on time for dinner Stephen, " Aaron warned, "unless you want the lecture of a lifetime from Mrs Shepherd. "

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