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atlanta, ga

8 AM CAME earlier than I expected. I hadn't gotten much sleep, lately, probably because of the stress of filming and such.

Vita came barging into my room, banging a pot and spatula together. "Wake up, Sparkle Face! Time to face the world and shine like a star!"

I groaned and covered myself in my sheets. "You're enthusiasm is killing me."

Suddenly, I was the one being hit by the spatula, not the pot. I shot out of bed and ran to the bathroom, locking myself in, Vista's cackles echoing in my hotel room.

I was washing my face with chilled water, hoping to awaken myself, when Vita said, from the other room, "Aw, pretty flowers. Who are they from?"

"Uh...I forgot to check..." I trailed off. I had kinda forgotten about the bouquet of pink roses. "Is there a note?"

Vita knocked on the bathroom door and I opened it, letting her in. She sat on the bathroom vanity counter, a yellow card in her hand. "'Y/N, don't go attacking anything with your hands all wrapped up (At least call me first). Love you. -ATJ"

As I sprayed dry shampoo into my roots, I nodded. "Hm. I should have known it was Aaron. He always gets me roses."

"Yeah, cause he wants to get into your pants-"

"Vita!" I shouted, silencing her. She smiled cheekily at me. "It's true, Y/N."

She moved off the counter and helped me do my hair, while I put on some simple makeup - lord knows I'd have layers and layers of makeup on this afternoon.

Vita's phone buzzed, and she brought it out, letting go of my hair. "Ah, it's Julio. He says to post a pic of the flowers. Add to the drama, more attention. He also put two heart emojis."

I should have known Vita had already told Julio about the bouquet. She's up at the crack of dawn, looking over the newest buzz around me, and always keeps close contact with Julio. She really was an amazing assistant.

"Alright," I mumbled. "Snap it."


Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"There. Its added to my story, I'm sure all my fans will go crazy," I shook my head. I really did love my fans, even though they jumped to conclusions all the time.

"After Tom posted that pic on Insta last night, you're name is EVERYWHERE. Julio is so freaking pleased, it's hilarious," Vita ran a hand through her hair. "Check out the trending hashtags on Twitter, Y/N."

I did as she said, applying mascara as I opened Twitter. I was tagged in tons of tweets, but I didn't look at those, going straight to Trending Now.

1 hour ago


I clicked on the #teamtom tag and scrolled.

Not Even Friends ° t. hollandTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang