Your Friend is No More

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Stepping out of the shower Marinette puts a robe over her and walked to another room where in a jar, Tikki was chained up. 

"Not so amazing are you now" 

"Let Marinette go please"

"No, because I love this body and I got a world to rule" 

"I don't understand, you have one of the most powerful Miraculous and yet you are not using it why" 

"Because I all ready have the powers I need" she holds out her hand and a chocolate bar appears in her hands, she eats it. 

2 Weeks Later

Adrien was sitting down in class looking at his lucky charm that Marinette gave him, Nino gave him a pat on the back, Adrien looks at him and smiles.

Fair to be said that no one was happy at what happen, with Marinette missing, everyone was sad.

Flashback 2 weeks ago

Adrien sitting down by the sofa arms and legs in his face, crying his eyes out "Adrien" Nathalie said on the other side "You have an photoshoot" Nathalie hears crying she grasp and opens the door and runs to Adrien sits down next to him "Adrien?" Nathalie said softly. Adrien looks up at Nathalie, eyes full of tears then without warning rap his arms around her, Nathalie hugged back like a Mother would hug her Son. 

"Adrien what's wrong?" 

"M-Marinette missing" 

Nathalie breaks the hug and looks at Adrien 

"I sure the police or Ladybug and Cat Noir will find her", "It's just after Mum, I didn't want to go threw this again, losing someone close to me".

End of flashback

Class had been going on for over an hour, it was in mostly silence. 

Miss Bustler looks at her class, all looking down, she felt down as well. 

Just then she hears the grasp of her students, she and everyone else looks at the door where Marinette is. 

Marinette looks different, for starters her hair is down, her wardrobe also change, a long black jacket, short blue crop top and jeans. 

"You look like you all seen a ghost" Marinette walks to the front desk and sit on it "Must say,nice place" 

Adrien stands up, walks to Marinette and gave her a huge hug, he put his hand out, letting her down "I can't believe it, it's really you", "Yes it's me" Marinette take one of Adrien hands and kisses it Adrien blushes and grasp were heard from her classmates. 

"MARINATE DUPAIN-CHENG HOW DEAR YOU KISS MY ADRIKINS WHO WHORE" Marinette turns to Chloe and closed her fits, which causes Chloe to put her hands over her neck as she feels the neck being crush "That not nice to say Chloe now say sorry", "N-never" Alya and Nino get up only for Marinette to push her hands making a forcefield blocking everyone else "Marinette, please, you're my best friend, your special to me, this isn't you" Adrien said Marinette realised Chloe making her grasp for air.

"What happen to you?" 

"Simple really I have been reborn" 

"I don't understand" 

"Marinette gone" 

Adrien takes a step back, his hand over his mouth, Alya looks at Nino tears going over her face "What do you mean gone?"

"My real name is Queen Cleopatra the 8th, the most evil Queen in all of Ancient Egypt, I had all the magic needed to rule over the earth and its people, but I was stopped by my sisters, for so long, I waited for the right body, then I saw the one I have now" 

"So Marinette is still inside" Adrien said "Yes but she can't escape and soon either will you" 

"What do you mean?" 

Marinette went right up and kisses Adrien right on the lips, everyone just watch in shocked as Marinette and Adrien kiss, Adrien ended the kiss "This is wrong", "But you love me, so why would it be wrong" "Because you're not the Marinette I fell in love with and what do you mean you love me?", "Because I know everything Kitty", "Y-you", "Yes I know your Cat Noir, Marinette didn't but she does have feelings for the kitty but her heart is set on you and best of all, your Bugaboo is right in front of you" 

"Marinette and Adrien are Ladybug and Cat Noir" 

"So Adrien" Marinette reaches in her pocket and brings out a jar with a black goo creature inside of it "My husband, take it and you can join me and together as King and Queen we will take over the world", "NO", "Your be free from your Father, your be happy" 

"I won't, because, Marinette is not with me, and my Friends" 

"Guess I have to do this the hard way then" she hugs Adrien making them disappear, the force field disappear as well making Alya and Nino run to where Adrien and Marinette were 

"What do we go now Alya?"

"I don't know"

A/N: So Marinette has taken Adrien whats going to happen?

Next Chapter: Gabriel appears and learns what happen to his son. 

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