Chapter 14

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                         Collie POV

    I get out the hospital today. And I get to go back to school, i just have to be careful with my shoulder. Tommy has benn up here ever day. Everyone has...but my dad. My mom said he doing fine he was just socked but i don't believe her. I think my dad hates me being gay. I don't think he hates gays i just think he doesn't want me to be gay.

Anyway today my mom was taking me home. Tommy couldn't come see me today, Ben was hanging out with his family, and Ryan and Tyler was together. Andy and Cody moved out. But there close to us to us so that's good. Im just scared to go home because of my dad. I just don't want him to yell at me. And i really hope he doesn't.

Right now my mom was helping me get dressed so we can go home. The hospital gave me some pain pills to help me with my pain. "Okay that's everything time to go home." my mom said. We made our way out the hospital and into the car. The whole way home i was scared. Ugh this is stupid. I shouldn't be scared of my own dad.

    When we got home my mom was smiling brightly. "Your father is so excited to see you." Wait my dad is. If he's happy then why did he run out of the hospital that day. Without another word my mom ran into the house with my bag and I just followed her. When i got in I had the biggest smile on my face. They're were balloons everywhere and confetti. Ben Ryan Tyler Andy Cody my mom and dad were all here and last but not least Tommy. He was standing there with the huge smile on his face just looking at me. "WELCOME HOME!!" They all screamed at the same time. "Thanks you guys. This means a lot." i said walking over to Tommy. "Hey." he said looking up at me. "So. Whose idea was this?" I asked him "Your dad's." he said. I looked over to my dad and he was looking at me with a big smile on his face. He motioned me to follow him. I gave Tommy a little kiss then followed my dad.

    He was in my room sitting on my bed. "So." he said when i closed the door. "Are you and Tommy serious?" he asked but he looked a little uncomfortable. That's when i figured out what he was doing. He was uncomfortable with me being gay but he was trying not to be. I laughed as i sat next to him. "Dad i know you don't wont to talk about it. And it's fine you don't have to. I understand." he looked at me and smiled. "Collie at the hospital when i walked out i didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I just needed time to think. But son i will always love you. No matter what. You remember that okay?" I nodded my head as he pulled me into a hug. "Now! I have to meet your boyfriend." he said jumping up running back to the living room.

    The rest of the day everyone talked. My parents meet Tommy's mom. My mother loved her hair. Just like Tommy's. I convince our parents to let Tommy spend the night. Haha. My dad face was priceless. But i just wanted to talk to him. I never got to after the hole kidnapping.

   Me and Tommy was laying in my bed with his head laying on my chest and i was paying with his hair. "Tommy. You have to tell me something. Why did those men want you? And your mom said your different from the others. What did she mean?" Tommy took a deep breath. "Okay well you know i have power's well some people say that were Angels. But other say we're demons. But nobody knows. Those men wanted me so i could rob a bank for them. Then they were going to turn me into scientist so they could get more money. And lastly my mom said im different well because im different. Some stories say someone like me only comes every hundred years." he looked over at me. His eyes were blue cause he put the contacts back in. I tired to get him to take them out because his eye's were beautiful.

"Okay so how are you different?" i asked. "Im stronger. Like literary. I could pick you up." I rise my eyebrow at him and he laughed then stood up. "Come here." I got up and stood in front of him. He put his hands on my waist and then picked me up. Just like that. He didn't even have any struggles. I looked down and my feet was just hanging there. "See." he said then put me down. He went back to my bed and laid down on his back with his hands behind head. I smirked then walked over to him. I crawled on top of him. Kissing his stomach though his shirt. I guess it tickled because he giggled.

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