I creeped inside the room and froze.

I can't believe it.

Amethyst was hanging from the ceiling and she was as dead as a door nail.

I couldn't back away from the scene that was in front of me. Why had she done it? A bit of guilt ran through me. I could have been there for her, but I wasn't. After all, we use to be good friends. I'm not blaming myself, but maybe I could have stopped her. God Amethyst is stupid. Why the fuck did she do that?

"Alaska." I ran back towards her. She was standing up now. I opened my arms for her (which, may I add, I never do for anyone) and she rushed into my embrace.

"Luke I don't know what happened I-I just w-woke up and she was - oh my gosh, she's dead!" Alaska sobbed into my chest and I rubbed circles into her back for comfort.

"Amethyst has been through a lot of shit, sunshine. She's happy now, okay?" I assured her and she nodded. I don't know where Amethyst will be going, but I'm sure it'll be a million times better than here.

"Okay." She sniffles. I scanned over her face and noticed her puffy eyes and red cheeks. As odd as it may sound, Alaska was beautiful when she cried.

"Come on now, let's get some breakfast. We've got a busy day ahead of us." I took her hand in mine and laced our fingers together. We walked down the corridor until the breakfast hall and once we grabbed breakfast, sat down a fan empty table. There wasn't a lot of people in the room seeing as if the event of Amethyst's suicide has just happened, so it was kind of peaceful, if I do say so myself.

"What did you mean buy we have a busy day ahead?" Alaska asked, breaking the silence that was once held between us.

"I thought we could hang out, just you and I." I shrugged. "I need to tell you some things."

"Things? Like what?"

"Eat your breakfast and find out."

After that, Alaska scoffed down her breakfast rather quickly. When she finished, she smiled at me.

"Okay then, let's bounce." I took her hand and together we walked down the corridors to the detonation I was longing for. Alaska followed me with no hesitation or questioning, which I was highly grateful for.

We reached the small wooden door I was looking for that was behind the kitchen. I smirked at Alaska and opened the door slowly, hoping that the suspense would creep her out a bit. However, it didn't and when the door open her jaw just dropped.

"Are we you know, allowed to?" She asked.

"Nah." I replied.

She ran through the door and into the back yard of the Asylum. I haven't been outside in a while, and neither has Alaska (I assume that because she's running around like a kid in a candy shop), and it was good to be outside. It was a fall morning and the weather was crisp and the grass had a fresh layer of due laying on top of it. I had always loved fall mornings. The weather was perfect, not to hot and not to cold, and the leaves were beautiful during this time of the year.

I made my way to the bench that was placed in front of a tree and sat down. Alaska soon joined me with a large smile plastered onto her face. She moved closer to my body and rested her head in the crook of my neck, which I replied with wrapping my arm around her. We sat they're for a while tangled with one another in silence. The silence between us was comfortable and gave me some time to prepare what I was going to say.

"I like you, sunshine." I whispered.

"I like you too Luke." She replied.

"No, I like you."

She laughed. "I like you too."

Before I could object, her lips were on mine in a matter of seconds.

Alaska's lips tasted like the bacon she just ate from breakfast. Her lips were chapped but I didn't mind at all. Actually, the feeling of her lips was warming. Our lips fit perfectly together and Alaska pushed herself closer to my body. I slid my fingers up and down her back and she shivered.

I kissed her carefully, nibbling and sucking her lower lip. Drawing the tip of my tongue along the inner edge of her mouth, I swept it over the slim ring lightly and pulled Alaska so close I cold barely breath. Our tongued explored each other's mouth battling and dancing gracefully with one another. She sucked my lip ring in and I smirked into the kiss.

I pulled away first and placed warm kisses onto her neck.

"Let's run away to Neverland." I whispered into her ear.

Alaska gulped. "Okay."

"Thank you, Alaska. You saying yes is the best birthday gift."

"It's your birthday?" She asked and I nodded. "I didn't get you anything."

"Being able to call you mine is enough."

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