DM: so do you think its a boy or girl?
DA: i think a girl because shes not carrying low
D: but shes also spreading in her hips
DM: i think a girl
DG: whats about you liza?
L: i dont really know
DM: well anyways we will be happy with whatever the new baby dobrik will be
DU: how do we know its a dobrik?

i feel like crying, his uncle dosent like me, david notices and grabs my hand reassuring me its okay, i nod and he pulls me into a hug as i settle back onto him

D: it is a dobrik
DU: how would you know?
D: uh i- because liza and i lost our virginity's to each other
L: davids the only guy i've had sex with
DU: and not once have you two ever thought of the other ever cheating?
L: nope

david stays silent

DU: even the father of the baby dosent trust you 
D: i never said that
DU: well do you think liza has ever cheated on you?
D: nope!
DU: ok
DM: welp, if i have to ask my brother, do you just not like them?
DU: their just too young

i want to cry at this point, i hide my face in davids chest and he stands up for me

D: well your not the person carrying the baby, your not the one who got her pregnant, your not the father,so you dont have a decision on what we do, your not us and you don't control us

david says standing up and grabbing my hand as he helps me stand up and go back upstairs

L: thank you
D: no problem babe

he pulls me into a hug and i sob into his chest

D: shh shh its okay im here you have me, and i will always love you, no matter what we go thru, okay so dont listen to them

i nod and just hold onto him, i feel the baby kick and he wraps his hands around my bump

D: now how about we go find out what this little baby is?

i nod and smile at the fact that im gonna know if this is a baby girl or boy living inside of me

L: lets go

we walk downstairs and talk to mrs.dobrik

D: mom were ready
DM: ok well everyone outside now please!

we nod and walk outside, Mrs.dobrik brings out the box and stop us before we open it all

DM: liza dont hate me please! but we have suprise visitors!

my mom and dad walkout and i gasp grabbing onto davids hand, he leans and whispers to me

D: its okay im here and i'll protect you two

i nod and Mrs.dobrik yells if everyone is ready, they all say yes and then cameras start rolling

DM: on 3! 1..2..3!!

on time we open the box and pink ballons come flying out! i start crying and david starts jumping up and down everywhere like a little kid just got a paint ball gun! he soon realized me again and walks over to hug me

D: were having a girl pookie!
L: i know bubba!

we whispered to each-other while we dont want to let go of the hug, i look up at him and we give eachother a peck before we turn back to everyone with our smiles slapped onto our faces, i look at my parents, my mother looks slightly happy but my father looks disgusted and disappointed, i want to cry but im not gonna waist my tears on them, im gonna enjoy my boyfriend and my pregnancy instead, i look at david after a while of people giving us hugs and congratulating he three of us, he mouths a 'i love you' and i yawn mouthing one back, he looks at me witg soft eyes and speaks up

D: are you tierd?
L: a little bit
D: ok well you want to go upstairs and sleep? i'll clean things up out here and tell people their goodbyes?
L: please will you?

i smile up at him and then tell the people i care about good bye, i start walking and i get dizzy, i almost fall but david catches me

D: are you okay?
L: yea, i think i just need to sit down

i say mostioning towards the chair, i sit down and Mrs.Dobrik comes up to me and ask if im okay

DM: are you okay?
L: yea i think its just a symptom or something
DM: ester go get a water for liza
E: okay

ester go gets a water and brings it to me as david feels my face

D: do you think you're getting sick?
L: i dont know, maybe

david dabs a wet rag on my forehead and then mrs.dobrik feels around my face for a fever

DM: it feels like your getting sick dear

i nod but the a sudden rush of sickness runs over me

L: im gonna get sick

i say standing up and rushing to the bathroom as david runs behind me, i go in the bathroom and hurl over the toilet, david holds my hair back and keeps a rag on my head just helping me, he rubs small circles on my back

D: its okay

he says reassuring me that i'll be okay, i lean back and cry into his shoulder, as he just pulls my hair out  of my face

D: youre okay
L: im sorry
D: its fine babe, just breathe your okay now

i smile up at him, after he wipes off my mouth we go into a kiss, after we pull apart i vomit into the toilet almost instantly

D: i didnt know i was that bad of a kisser

i continue to hurl as i just wave him away, he chuckles and i lay back onto the wall as he wraps his arms around me and we just sit there on the bathroom floor as david just rocks me back and fourth

L: i think im okay now, i might just go to sleep
D: ok well lets go tell everyone good bye

i nod and then david helps me change into comfortable clothes, as we walk back downstairs

DM: YAY SHES BACK! after almost an hour
L: sorry about that
DM: your fine its normal

i nod and then we tell everyone good bye, my parents stayed behind and talked to mrs.dobrik as david and i cuddled upstairs and went to sleep

D: can i still go to prom?
L: yes

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