
"Oh, I'm going to miss you, but have fun at the Weasley's," Lucy sadly whispered while hugging the shorter girl, "I'll write to you and don't open your gift early," she warned pointing an accusing finger at Aster.

"I won't, it's you who we have to worry about," Aster joked lightly nudging her with her shoulder, "I'll write back to you," she said holding out her pinkie to seal the deal, "I promise," Lucy smiled and wrapped her pinkie around the smaller one echoing her words.

Lucy left with her luggage, her family welcoming her in open arms, Aster turned around and looked for the twins, who she had lost in the crowd of leaving the train. Getting nudged and pushed, she finally finds the two taller twins she was looking for, smiling, their eyes settle on her in sync.

"Ready to go home?" Fred asked Aster's heart made a huge thump as he said home.

"Of course," Aster smiled as she turned and saw Mr and Mrs Weasley, Ron, Ginny and Charlie waiting by the exit of the platform. Aster smiled genuinely and felt a warm spot in her chest. As Geroge patted her back, they started walking towards the family, who had welcomed her as one of their own.

It was Christmas, Aster woke up to freshly made pancakes, bacon, biscuits, and hot chocolate on the table along with a bunch of other food that looked delicious. Molly gave her a warm hug and directed her to her seat, where there was a Christmas cracker sitting next to the plate. Aster took a moment and smelled the various food as well as the gas that is used to fire up the stove.

As the rest of the Weasley family gathered around, everyone was sitting down and eating. Laughter rang across the table as Charlie was telling the others a story about his experience with some creatures he had met, mostly dragons, all dragons. Bill sent an owl saying that he would be coming in at a later time, perhaps after lunch. Then, came the time when the family had exchanged gifts.

Aster smiled and quickly got her bag out that contained all the gifts from the old shop that Mr Weasely and she had visited during the summer holiday. She pulled the bag out that had perfectly wrapped gifts in them. As everyone had gathered around in the living room, someone the couch, floor and some standing, Molly started handing out her gifts, which were her famous hand-knitted sweaters.

Aster took it upon herself to disperse the gifts herself, first handing it to Mr Weasley, Charlie, Ron, Ginny, Molly, then the twins, as well as presenting them all candy. One by one, she watched each of them open their gift and their eyes seemed to light up. Mr Weasley looked at her with great joy as he cranked the handle of the music box, sending the familiar song throughout the room, and bellowed a thank you from across the room.

Charlie had an amused smile as he ran his fingers through the blue fur of the dragon, admiring the green eyes that the stuffed dragon had. Ron opened the large present showing a basket of muggle treats such as instant hot chocolate, ropes of Twizzlers and Laffy Taffy, along with other treats.

Ginny opened the square package to reveal a box of Muggle books, the largest book being The Fairy Tales from the Brothers Grimm, she looked up at her and smile widely with a bright glint in her eye. Molly opened the box to reveal two blue needles and a ball of multi-coloured yarn consisting of red, orange, yellow, and grey. Molly squealed and smiled as she went over to Aster to hug her tightly, almost strangling her.

The twins opened their gifts, Fred and Geroge opened a box of Muggle tricks and pranks that Aster had compiled together, each box holding different things. Fred's box held a rubber chicken that squeaked when you squeezed it, small paintballs that break when you throw them, shaving cream can that went haywire when you used it, along with some candy that Aster heard Fred liked, a packet of Drooples Best Blowing Gum and Exploding Bon Bons. George had a few Whoopie Cushions that farted when added pressure to it, a packet of relighting candles, and some instant growing weeds, along with some more candy such as chocolate frogs and liquorice wands. The twins looked at her with a bright smile and sent a 'thank you' her way as they admired what each thing did.

Everyone looked at Aster with bright eyes as they were all in a wonder of the Muggle things that she had gotten them. Then, after opening all the gifts, Molly ran off to the kitchen to make everyone sandwiches and prepare for dinner. Conversation filled the room as she left, and Aster left the group and joined Molly in the kitchen to see if she needed any help.

Happily, she and Molly worked together once again like they had during the summer holiday. Aster called everyone with her chilled voice from the kitchen, and one by one, they arrived and started eating the sandwiches presented to them.

Then an owl's screech and a bang were heard, Aster smiled and walked to the window, letting Errol, the Weasley's shared owl inside, picking up a small morsel of food, Aster handed it to the bird and untied the letter. Thankfully, Molly allowed Aster to use theirs since she hadn't gotten one yet, and to Molly's explanation, she was apart of the family.

The letter was from Lance, who stayed at the castle since his family travelled for the holidays.

Happy Christmas Aster! Thank you for the chocolate, I really hope you're having a great time with the Weasley. And please remind me, that when you come back that I have something important to tell you, and I'd rather not have you find out through an owl, don't worry it's not bad news. Tell the others I say happy holidays! ~Lance

"Hey Aster," Fred called from the table, breaking her gaze from the letter, then standing up to speak to her without the others hearing, "why don't you play for them?" He hinted at, wanting to hear her play the violin, "you haven't played in a while."

Aster looked at the others before Molly interrupted, "oh I quite agree," she smiled, "everyone will love it, if you want, you can play when Bill gets here, which will be in an hour or so," she said with a bigger smile and a face that Aster couldn't refuse.

And Aster did play, it was a while after Bill arrived and everyone was waiting in the living room, where there was a supposed surprise. But Aster was in the kitchen, worried about playing, "you'll be great, just pretend we're in the room again," he whispered before going out and announcing her arrival.

Aster walked out and felt her hands tremble and her face flush, suddenly hot from all of the attention. She sighed and placed the violin in place, closing her eyes she started to play. Once again, like in the room, the stream of yellow was flowing across the living room. The family looked amazed and each put out their hand to touch the stream, but it turned to a gold tinted water-like substance. Aster swayed with the song and kept her eyes closed until the middle of the song where she looked at the faces of awe. All her worry went away as she found comfort in the music.

Molly held a proud face like Aster was her daughter and was performing at a school's talent show. Arthur held a stunned face like he never expected her to play something as amazing, which he didn't expect. The siblings all looked pleased and happy, looking at the stream that was flowing around, they felt the joy that was put into the song. She looked at Fred who held an encouraging face with a mix of admiration.

As she slowed down to a stop, the stream collected back to her violin and the Weasley family broke into applause. Ron, Ginny and Charlie stood up and whistled, causing Aster to blush. She looked at Fred and held up two thumbs up with a huge smile.


Lucy sat surrounded by her parents and distant extended family members, waiting for a moment where they weren't asking how school was or if there came a time where they could visit this boarding school. However, the entire family was all muggle and she couldn't share that information, even if she could, she never would feel the need or want to.

But with her parent's help, she was able to escape for a few moments to open the present that Aster had gotten her this year. Excited as usual for everything, she raced to her room and grabbed the box that was underneath the bed. Ripping the neat wrapping paper, a book that Lucy hadn't seen before. Interested in muggle literature, Lucy wasn't able to experience many magical books yet, Aster had found this book in Diagon Alley, but thought that Lucy would have more use in it than her. She took the blue leather book out and read the title: Tales of Beedle the Bard.


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