Chapter 1: Back to the Time Machine

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June, 2037. 1 hour earlier. Todayland. Today Education School (TES).

Chemistry class was surprisingly quiet. Most of the students, however, didn't pay attention to the lecture. Several dozed off, one of them nearly fell asleep and received a slap from the teacher's ruler.

A small handful of other students did listen, but there was also a majority who were still confused about the topic. The rest were just doodling on their notebooks.

Wilbur was from the first group, staring at the window beside him.

It was surprising that students around this year still find school boring, even with all of this awesome technology surrounding them.

Well, that would be because they weren't allowed to use them. Unless they have permission, they can.

But that was not the reason why Wilbur wore a sulking look.


He didn't answer, still fiddling in his own little world. The teacher called him several times with patience, her voice raising each time she called.

"Wilbur. Wilbur. Mr. Robinson!"

Finally, Wilbur came back to his senses. He turned away from the window and looked.

He felt spooked when he found everyone staring at him.

He spoke, "Yes, Ma'am Bourgeois?"

"Can you tell me the standard atomic weight of Krypton?"

None would guess the exact number, but Wilbur could. He answered, "83.798 Ar."

Ma'am Bourgeois nodded in satisfaction. "Correct."

Just as he was about to relax, Wilbur's ears perked when most of his classmates started whispering.

"Heh, so he's that smart?"

"Well, he is the son of Cornelius Robinson."

"Then why isn't he in a prep school? Not to mention, why is he studying here?"

"I just found out what's his score in Mathematics. You wouldn't believe what I saw."

"So what's his score?"

"It's as average as every other student's scores."

"Crap, so he's not a genius?"

"That can't be right. Isn't he Cornelius boy--"

"SHUT UP!!!"


Everyone became silent. Even Ma'am Bourgeois, who looked not so pleased at the moment.

Wilbur's face paled.

He was too late to realize that he actually punched one of his classmates.


TES. Faculty of Staff.

"That was rude of you, Robinson."

"I'm sorry, Ma'am Bourgeois."

"I'll let you off for now, but I did call your parents."

He winced.

"You're lucky that you didn't make it worse. You punched your classmate, in my class."

"I won't do it again."

"You better be. You're dismissed."

Wilbur left the room, not before he heard his chemistry teacher mumbling.

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