[Chapter 1: WTH?!?!]

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Narrative P.O.V

A beautiful sun-kissed blonde haired 5 years old girl slept peacefully before jolting awake for the screams of terror and the feeling of being carried.

Naruko opened her beautiful blue doe eyes and saw she was being carried by an ANBU member with a dog mask. Naruko blinked before looking around and saw the Kyuubi no Kitsune, her eyes wide before she pinched the ANBU's neck and he went limp, Naruko sighed, anger obvious in her eyes.

Naruko looked down at her body and realized she was,



















"What the hell!? Why am I 5!" Naruko yelled incredulously before taking a couple breaths to calm down, 'I need to not freak out, I can feel my powers circulating in me like before, so I'm fine.' Naruko thought with a pinch of relief, 'But now I have to find out what the hell is going on.' she thought right after, with another sigh of exhaustion she dragged the dog ANBU to a safe place far from the chaos before body flicking away from him and on to a standing building.

Naruko looked around carefully before hopping from building to building, only stopping to heal some civilians and ninja. When she stopped she was on a tree high enough to see the Kyuubi and the ninjas trying to stop it, Naruko chuckled, 'This is going to be an easy fight, ' Naruko thought humorously before jumping tree to tree to find her father and mother.

When Naruko saw her father getting ready to seal Kisara she jumped and kicked him away, 'Good thing I put this fox mask on...' Naruko thought with relief, "Who are you!" Minato shouted, he did not have the energy to fight another masked person, and if he was surprised by her size he didn't show it.

"I will reveal myself later on but as of now I'm saving you from year's of regret," Naruko said, her voice monotonous.

Naruko looked at the Kyuubi before she stretches out her and golden chains shoot out of them and wrap around Kisara's tails, paws, body, and mouth. Minato stared at the little girl surprised as she turned around to his son, "Hokage-sama, I'll be able to seal the Kyuubi into your... son... if you want me too." Naruko spoke no emotion in her voice, Minato thought before shaking no hesitation clearly on his face. Naruko looked at her father before nodding, she walked away from her family before jumping down the cliff she was on to the Kyuubi's snout, "Kisara-Chan, I'll be sealing you within me again."Naruko whispers lowly before she tapped Kisara's head and then her stomach.

Kisara disappeared into Naruko's stomach/Mindscape.

Naruko sighed irritated before jumping up and landing on top of the cliff, she walked back to her parents with a sigh of relief seeing her father taking care of her mother and her mother cradling her... brother... Naruko guessed, " Hokage-Sama, I sealed the Kyuubi." Naruko said a faint exhaustion in her voice, Minato was going to question the kid who helped him, but said girl blacked out.

Minato's P.O.V

I stared at the little girl as she fell to the ground with shock, she took the Kyuubi down all by herself, she sealed it away, where? I don't know.

"Minato/Brat!" Two voices I distinguished as Tsunade and Jiraiya, I signed with relief before looking down at my wife sleeping and child who was also asleep with a smile, "I'm glad you found me Sensei, Tsunade, " I said with a smile, "but can you get help me get my wife and kid, also Tsunade, " I spoke seriously, "Yeah brat." "I want you to watch over someone for a while," I said as look at the little girl who saved me.

Tsunade and Jiraiya looked in the direction I was before their eyes widened, Tsunade ran over to the lump on the ground before she gasps, "What is it Tsunade-Hime!" Jiraiya asked Tsunade, who picked up the little girl and walked over to us.

Now that the little girl's mask was off I can now see three whiskers upon both her cheeks, chubby cheeks tinted with pink and eyes closed as she breathes steadily, her blonde hair was long and in twin-tails.

"Although this might seem like a lie, that little girl sealed away the Kyuubi, where? I don't know, but I can guess." I said as I looked at her, both eyes widened before both nodded, "I wanted you to watching over her because she said she can explain later what the hell is going on, so I'm putting you in charge of watching her." I spoke once more searching for any reactions, none came but both nodded in understanding.

Next Day...

Narrative P.O.V

The village was quiet, peaceful even, murmurs flow out of people's mouths as they try to rebuild their houses and shops. As the wind bellows softly dancing with the trees leaves.

Glowing blue eyes stared at the village from the rooftop of the hospital, said glowing blues eyes look over to the door before she walks over with a sigh. Naruko walked down some stairs before going to a very familiar chakra, her owns.

Naruko opened the door to her male baby counterpart, before closing the door silently. Naruko walked over to the crib that her male counterpart was and sighed at her size, 'I'm to short...tch.' Naruko thought bitterly before she henged into her 16-year-old self. Naruko looked at him for awhile with a blank face before smiling softly, 'I'll protect you otouto, although you are me, I will make sure you grow up happily.' Naruko thought softly, with a yawn Naruko body flickered to her hospital room.

Taking off her henge Naruko laid in her bed, she was exhausted more than usual, she had just got done fighting a goddess become one when finished, entered another fight and won, made sure to watch out for surprise attacks, and have to explain her future and past to her alternate dimension parents and co. Yeah, Naruko needs a rest before dealing with, everything she has to later on.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2018 ⏰

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