Chapter 5: The mysterious purple troll

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Hello again, Sorry writers block. I ran out of ideas, but thank you jasmineargueta for the idea of my story the mysterious purple troll changes Creek's life forever. 😉 let's continue the story.

The Next morning.
Poppy went up to Branch's bunker. She knocks the door.

"Branch...? Are you in there?"

Branch came in. Tired and angry at times.


"I just want to see you, if you're okay?"

"I'm fine, why are you asking me about?"

"Cause I'm worried about you a lot." Poppy said in worry.
Branch sighed that he gets up.
"I'm okay, I'm just mad so angry about Creek returning you know what he's up too."

"I know Branch, but he's locked up in a dungeon being in it with lots of guards." Poppy said.
"Now come on, get out the bunker for a while." Poppy said smiling.

Branch sighed rolled his eyes smiling.

"Okay, Okay Fine. I'm coming out." Branch got out of his bunker smiling.
Poppy smiled back. "Good."
He held her hands walking to the troll village.
Poppy looked at him.
"I was gonna hangout with you to lunch, to get your mind off of something." Poppy said smiling.
Holding hands a lot.

"Gees, you love holding my hand a lot do you?" Branch asked happily.
"Yes!" Poppy squeaked as Branch chuckled softly.

"Let's hangout! Together without Creek thing going in your head."
Poppy said smiling, hugging her boyfriend.
Branch chuckled a bit.

"Okay, Okay where are we going?"
Poppy thinks an idea.
"Let's go get ice cream on me!" Poppy said smiling, Branch smiled softly back. As Poppy takes him to the Ice cream polar


A mysterious Purple troll with dark purple hair, green streak on the side bangs and blue eyes, wore a yellow shirt and blue skirt.
Looking at the cell was Creek lying in there thinking about the past he has done for two years.

He remembered that he was jerk to Branch a lot, taunting him, almost made Branch loosing his temper.

"This is all my fault...I should've not done this...Maybe I was a coward, a jerk, and betrayal..."
Creek said ashamed. Looking at his cell in the dungeon.

He remembers the flashback of selling the trolls out by sacrificed himself by selling the trolls to Chef.

"So, In a way, you could say...I'm doing this for you."

"I'm selling you out..."

"I do anything to take back what I did when I hand you over to bergens and sacrifice myself for you instead, I've returned to tell you all that I am very sorry."

He remembers gets strangled by Poppy to tight to kill him.

He took her cowbell to attracts the trolls, he betray them because he wanted to live.
He saved himself from getting eaten by a monster he did not know what happened to Chef. But he was glad that she was gone for good. But for him he spent in the dungeon.

Creek pulled out a glass shard and cut his arm felt his arm burn but become numb.

"I did this, I deserve it..." He sighed.

"Don't cut yourself!"
Creek jumped a bit and looked at the female purple troll looking at him.

"Who are you what do you want?!!!"

"What's your name?..." The Purple Troll asked him.

As Creek began to reply back.
"My name is Creek. Who are you?!"

"I'm Jasmine," She introduce herself.
Creek never seen a purple troll with purple hair and green streaks
On her purple ponytail and bangs.
Jasmine looks at the him.

"Creek...I know how you feel..."

Creek's eyes widen.
"H-How d-do you know?!" He asked started to get nervous.

"I get it that blue troll, not even accepting it, I'm sorry about how you feel." Jasmine said as Creek felt soften.

"I know, he can't accept it that,"
Jasmine then thought an idea.

"I'll make the queen, change her mind!" Jasmine said with a smile.

"You would?..." Creek asked.

"Yes!" Jasmine held his hand though the cell.
Creek felt her hand grasped his.
Creek felt his cheeks flushed a bit.
"Uh Jasmine...?" Creek asked.

"Yes?" She asked.
"Y-You understand me...?" Creek asked.
"Yes I do I'm gonna make the guards released you."

"They can't...let me out..."

"I'll visit you! I'll visit you and make them released you I promise..." Jasmine said smiling grasping his hands.

Creek smiled softly.
Jasmine left suddenly.
"Jasmine! Wait!" Creek called as she looked at her back.

"Thank you." Creek said smiling.
Jasmine smiled softly hearing him.

"You're welcome," She said walking to her pod.

Creek sighed laying on the bed cell asleep. Thinking about Jasmine.
"I think I have feelings for her."
Creek said smiling and on second thought.

"Wait she's like a friend to me."
Creek thought of it.
As he lays on his bed asleep.

Here you go.
Sorry for waiting, there was writers block.
Thank you _TMAG_ with my cover book is it okay I can ask another cover for a sequel for this book?...

Thank you jasmineargueta For the oc that I made up sorry...I know it's Weird for CreekXOc ships. Sorry 😅.
This story is not over no it's not! XD I'm working on updates.

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