Bleach universe

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Request by ichigo122

Godzilla crashed into the ground and got up. "Sh*t." He said rubbing his back and got up to look at his surrounding and turns out was a city.
"Who are you and why did you come from that portal?" Said a voice. He looked up and saw a man with spikey orange hair with brown eyes and holding a giant sword.

"Godzilla, that's my name and to answer your other question, I have no idea." He answered, getting a sweatdrop in return. "Well, I'm Ichigo Kurosaki." Ichigo said. "Nice to meet ya but what I'm about to do something I have to do so don't take it personal." He said before punching him.

Ichigo stopped himself and gripped his sword and rushed at him that surprised the king of monster at his speed but thinking quick he moved to the side, leaving a slash mark on his shirt.

Godzilla growled before being kicked in the stomach as Ichigo disappearing, leaving a afterimage. He ducked, dodging being decapitated from behind. He smirked when he grab the swordman's leg and swing him through a building before throwing him to the air.

Ichigo stopped himself again and rushing at Godzilla at speed with his fist back and throw a punch that caused the ground to exploded. After that he blocked a punch that pushed him back and stopped at a wall of a mountain. "Wow. That's some serious strength." He commented before sighing. "Thanks. Your speed is something else. And I thought megaguirus was fast." Godzilla said, walking out of the carter as they smirked at each other before their fist clashed with each other.

Godzilla grab Ichigo's arm and throw him over his shoulder but the swordman landed on his feet and roundhouse kick him through a tree. He recovered by rolling out of the way as sword came down. "Sh*t. That's could have kill me!" He yelled at Ichigo. "Said the one who punched me and said it ain't personal." Ichigo yelled back. "Dude, your drunk. Go home." He said with a sweatdrop.

Ichigo shook his head before blocking a knee that would have broke his nose. He grab the leg and knee Godzilla in the stomach.

They both jumped in air and being trade back and forth. Godzilla dodge Ichigo's sword while Ichigo dodge his punches and kicks. They pulled back before Ichigo deeply slashed Godzilla's arm as he got a deep scratch across his cheek.

Godzilla's hair glow blue as Ichigo's sword glow the same. "Getsuga Tendsho!" Ichigo yelled slashed the air,  sending a blue arc wave as Godzilla shot his beam and the two beams clashed but godzilla's was overwhelmed instantly. He roared in pain as he was hit.

After that, he was on the control, unconscious as the portal opened up. Ichigo sighed before picking him up. "Hope you get back home and may we met again." He said and throw him in. "F*ck you." Godzilla said subconsciously and give him the bird as the portal closed.

( Sorry if it was too short.)

Godzilla vs Everyone Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora