[13] I've Got Blue Balls

Start from the beginning

Taking several steps back, I distance myself from him.

I hastily readjust my sweater while I catch my breath.

I avoid looking at Jack because if I might lose it if I do.

'Losing it' might involve punching him, forgiving him, or jumping him and kissing his stupid face.

I try to walk back to my dresser but he steps in front of me.

"I didn't-"

I push him aside. "Save it," I bite out.

He seems to finally understand and shuts up.

I dig through my dresser drawer and find some boxers, a plain white tee shirt, and a pair of black Adidas joggers for myself, then start looking for something that will fit Jack.

After some deliberating, I decide on a black tee shirt that's a bit loose on me and some athletic shorts with an elastic waistband so they should stretch. I toss them behind me to the left, aiming for my bed. Jack steps out of the way, dodging the clothes swiftly.

I turn back to my dresser and mumble out, "Those are for you," with a vague gesture toward my bed.

I stare at the contents of my open drawer, debating whether or not to get him some boxers. Would that be weird? I think it's the polite thing to do since I'm getting some for myself.

Wet boxers are extremely uncomfortable. My crotch is so freezing cold, my balls are blue.

N-NOT... not like that.

Not blue because of that, but because when your body is cold, your heart is focused on pumping blood to your vital organs, not your extremities which are deemed expendable in the grand scheme of things. So without proper circulation, the extremities turn blue and eventually fall off.

Are your balls an extremity, though?

...Is your weeny?

Or are they considered a 'vital organ'?
I don't think they should; Lord knows we have enough weenies in the world.

Although I'd rather like to keep mine attached... I don't think keeping it on should be a body's main concern in a life or death situation. Just let 'em fall off.

Maybe that's how we achieve world peace.

I must be spacing out because I don't notice Jack shuffle closer to me. When he taps lightly on my shoulder, a high-pitched yelp escapes my mouth before I can prevent it.

I turn around and he appears to be stifling a laugh. Although I appreciate the effort, I'm still just as mortified by the noise I made.

I'm also mortified by the scene before my eyes.

Jack has removed his soaking white tee shirt, thank god, but I take back my appreciation because he has put nothing on in its place.

Instead of the distraction being the see-through white tee shirt clinging to his abs, the distraction is his abs.

Not to mention the unbuttoned pants that expose the fabric of his boxers.

As my eyes attempt to look anywhere else but there, I notice that Jack's attention is on the contents of my drawer.

"Hey, um, it looks like we use the same boxers, would you mind if I borrowed a pair?"

"Sure," I step away from the drawer and turn to face away. I clear my throat, "take your pick."

I'm standing at my desk, facing the opposite wall as my bed. I've decided that if I change somewhere else it would seem weird since Jack is perfectly comfortable changing in my presence, so why shouldn't I be the same?

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