Elliot King

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Name: Elliot

Last name: King

Nickname: "I don't do nicknames. Don't call me Eli or anything. It's Elliot."

Age: 19

Gender: Cis male

Astrological things: He's a Leo Sun. He has very strong Mercurial qualities. Based on his Mercury's conjunction to Saturn in Scorpio, his silver tongue sometimes lands him in bad situations.
There's also lots of Mars, representing his anger and aggression, but also his passion.

Mental illness: "I have anger issues. It's not my fault. But I'm learning to control them."

Sexuality: "I'm gayer than Thomas Sanders himself."

Species: "Human."

Powers: "Only the power of love, sweetheart."

Personality: "I'm cool, flirtatious, and confident. Yeah, sure, I'll do bad things sometimes, but that's just because of my mental health. I understand that's not an excuse, but still. People think I'm a dick, but I'm actually really gentle and compassionate if you're on my good side. I have trust issues, but I'd literally kill someone if it meant protecting my loved ones."

Likes: "I liked English a lot when I was in middle school. I like really dramatic historical movies, like Glory and The Patriot – although that last one's mostly because Jason Isaacs is a sexy beast. All gayness aside (well, most of it), I like running marathons, playing pool and having probably the dirtiest mind out of all of my friends."

Dislikes: "I don't like tomatoes. My creator doesn't understand people like that, but I learned not to care about the opinions of others. I don't like my family, or when someone only likes me for the money I have."



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Allergies: "I'm allergic to cats

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Allergies: "I'm allergic to cats."

Backstory: "I was abused as a kid. Yeah, it sucked, but I learned to move on from that. As soon as I could, I transferred schools to move away from my parents. I went to therapy and all that stuff, so I'm fine now. Mostly."

Nationality: "French. I was born in Paris, and my family moved to America when I was 2."

Occupation: "I deejay for weddings and parties and stuff like that."

Family: "I grew up with two adults that I never really considered my parents, even though we were biologically related. I had three brothers and a sister, too. And a dog until my older brother lost him on purpose."

Turn ons: "Roughness, intense makeout sessions, teasing, edging, etc."

Turn offs: "Growling, going slow or gentle, crying, or any type of blood kink."

Position: Dom

Kinks: "BDSM, toys, clothing, roleplay, etc."

Other: He's actually really sweet, I promise, but he can get really aggressive sometimes. This is just because he had a really rough past and he has a lot of bitterness towards it.

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