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I watch Alice as she walks down the stone path back to her home. She turns and waves at me, I wave back, then she disappears in the garden. It's five forty a.m, so I don't bother to go back to sleep since I'll be up later anyway. While I wait to see the dome open, I remember that I didn't open the small envelope on my night stand. I tear it open slowly, not wanting to rip anything important. Inside is a hand written letter that reads:

Dear Indigo,

I'm writing this letter so that you won't feel so alone anymore. You say that you've never had a family before and that Jenna was the only person that truly cared for you but that's not true! I know that it's not your fault that you don't remember the past so I can't be to frustrated with you. I'm just asking that you try to remember the people who truly love and cares for you. I think about our family everyday and seeing you makes me want to cry since we thought you were dead. When your ready to meet me leave a letter behind the big painting downstairs.

Sincerely, Your Sister.

My eye's stay pinpointed on the word that is foreign to me, family. I sit there not knowing what to think of the letter. Tears start to fill my eyes as I realize that I have a family that is thinking of me everyday. I wipe the tears from my eyes when they start to get the paper wet, I fold it back up and lay it back down on the nightstand.

I've been laying in silence looking up at the ceiling since I read the letter. I sit up, wanting to see the dome open, and look out the window. Today when the dome opens I decide that I'm going to get ready while Neil is doing the morning wakeup call. I put on my uniform, which is identical to the one I had on yesterday. The two minute mark of the ten minutes we gave to get ready is when im done. Downstairs in the foyer are the servants who've been here the longest Dean, Chris, Jenna, Neil, Carla, and Lucy. They all stand around each other talking and drinking coffee and out of blue mugs.

"Well isn't someone an early riser!" says Jenna hugging me.

"Morning Jenna ." I say, giving her a squeeze back.

"What happen to him calling you Mom?"asks Lucy.

"He's not twelve anymore Lucy." says Jenna.

I smile and they continue on with there conversation. I notice how they all look so happy and care free. You don't usually see them not being serious.

"Coffee?" ask Dean.

"Sure." I say, having no reason to say no.

Dean goes to the kitchen and I am now standing with Chris and Neil ,who walks over when Dean leaves.

"Morning Mr.Young, Mr.Gold."

"No need to be so formal Indigo." says Chris.

"Save that for when everyone else gets here. says Neil.

"Sorry, so did you hear anything from yesterday?" I ask.

"Not much to tell, they caught the man responsible and he's now in prison." says Chris.

"That reminds me, says Neil, I need a dependeble person to bring the prisoner his food. Wouldn't want him to die! Would you be interested Indigo?"

"Um, sure...Neil."

"Excellent, come by the dinning hall when the Princess doesn't need you."

Neil walks back over to Carla and I start to regret saying yes to him.

"Don't sweat it Indigo, the big bad prisoner won't hurt you." says chris laughing and shaking my shoulder.

"What did he want?" ask Dean, handing me my coffee.

"Nothing important, he just ask Indigo here to be on prison food duty."

"You sure your up for that?"

I shake my head yes and they start talking to each other again, so I go over to the big painting on the wall, the same painting mentioned in my sisters letter. It's abstract so I don't know what to make of it, I'm sure someone does though. More servants, boys and girls, start to come down stairs. Jenna takes my coffee, that i didn't drink, to put in the kitchen and I get in my position for anounments.

"You're here early." says Asher.

"Just felt like being on time."

The anounments go by in the matter of seconds and so does the walk to the castle. I can't get my mind off the letter so I don't say much. I'm put back in reality when Asher touches my shoulder and we're at the bottom of the stairs in the castle.

"Did you hear me Indigo?" asks Asher


"I said everything is back the way it was."

I look around at the once shattered windows that are now solid again. The glass and bullet holes in the walls are also gone.

"It's like nothing happened." says Naomi.

"What did you expect they aren't just going to leave it there." says Scarlet.

"She's got a point. Anyway on to more important things. Indigo it's your turn to get the breakfast tray."

I nod at him and they walk up stairs, while I walk to the kitchen.

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